Ficus Ginseng

4.6 out of 5 (177 experiences)

About Ficus Ginseng
Did you know that all plants in the Ficus genus produce figs? In fact, the word Ficus quite literally means figs! Even cooler, all figs are pollinated by tiny wasps that use the fruits as a safe place to raise their young. 🐝 Ficus plants also contain latex which emerges as a milky sap when twigs are broken. This latex makes them toxic, so be sure to keep a close eye out if you have children or pets!
Ficus microcarpa
Also known as
Chinese Banyan, Malayan Banyan, Curtain Fig, Indian Laurel, Green Gem, Mellon Seed Tiger Bark and Indian Laurel Fig

How to care for Ficus Ginseng
How often to water your Ficus Ginseng

every 9
Ficus Ginseng needs 0.5 cups of water every 9 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot.
Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.
Water 0.5 cups every
Finding light for Ficus Ginseng in your home

a window
Ficus Ginseng love being close to bright, sunny windows 😎.
Place it less than 1ft from a south-facing window to maximize the potential for growth.
Ficus Ginseng does not tolerate low-light 🚫.
Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of Ficus Ginseng in your home 🏡.
How to fertilize Ficus Ginseng

Most potting soils come with ample nutrients which plants use to produce new growth.
By the time your plant has depleted the nutrients in its soil it’s likely grown enough to need a larger pot anyway.
To replenish this plant's nutrients, repot your Ficus Ginseng after it doubles in size or once a year—whichever comes first.
Watering when moisture meter says wet Hi! The app is suggesting I give water to my plant. However, the moisture meter says the pot is wet at the bottom, but moist/dry at the top. Should I calibrate the app’s recommendation with a moisture meter or just give the recommended amount?
Her little leaves have this white, almost dusty looking like stuff on them. It’s not like a whole bunch, but just enough to notice and it looks dusty and dirty kinda. Can I wipe that off with a damp washcloth or something?
Can anyone advise me what is happening or what I'm doing wrong here? First ficus. I haven't tended to it for 10 days due to LA fires. The leaves are dropping like flies. Do they grow back? Please help me save this little nugget
My ficus keeps dropping leaves, watering seems Ok, it’s in the green moist zone. I bought it a month ago and have just been losing leaves.. what should i do?? #Ficus
Ficus Microcarpa leaves turning brought and dropping fast Just bought at home Depot 5 days ago. On the first day I watered it with 5 cups of water, When I first bought the plant it looked super healthy but the soil was bone dry. Then progressively for the past 4 days leaves turn brown and fall, I did some research and found they are sensitive to being placed in new environments and will drop all their leaves. Trying to be proactive and make sure this is correct and or ok for the plant and I won't kill it Thank you, First photo is to show the difference of the green leaves to brown, but everyday more of the green turn brown and fall. Plant identitfiyer photo is the day I got the plant Also I have it 6 feet from a that's window facing south and it get sun from morning to 4pm
It’s loosing leaves dramatically, should I be watering it more? #Ficus
So I've been trying to get into Bonsai so my Aunt got me a Bonsai beginners kit that came with a 3 month subscription Greg, back to my question. I got a Ginseng Ficus and from the kit and I just put it in a actual pot yesterday. I plan to keep it indoors will that effect when I should Prune it? When should I be pruning a Bonsai tree to keep it at the desired hight?
How do I care for my bonsai tree?
How can I save this guy? #Ficus #FicusGinseng #FicusGang mind you it is getting quite grey and cold here in Cincinnati but it was doing great and then all of the sudden started dropping leaves, little branches are dying, etc. do I need to put him in a smaller pot ? Should the trunk be planted deeper under more soil?
Pruning? Does she look like she’s thriving? When do i know when it’s time to prune, and how should i go about that? #FicusGinseng #Bonsai
Care Summary for Ficus Ginseng
Ficus Ginseng
Greg recommends:

0.5 cups every 9 days

< 1ft from a window

Repot after 2x growth
Based on the 4” pot your plant is in, and that it doesn’t get direct sunlight.

What other plant parents say

I love my bonsai; however, it is a little picky and difficult to care for. When I first got it, it came in a plastic pot which seemed to work fine but I always repot my plants in terracotta pots so after a month or so I did! It worked charms and was doing really well and was SUPER lush and full… Then out of nowhere it started dropping leaves and browning rapidly. It was losing 20 ish leaves a day and eventually it only had about 10 leaves left. I was super bummed and thought I killed it, but I placed it next to a growing light in hopes that would help, which is did!! Not only has it made a comeback, but it is now thriving. Ficus ginseng are tricky little guys, but worth it.

I got this little guy recently bc I love the feature on the trunk that reminds me of an elfin face. It’s easy to care for, & a nice bonsai. I plan to let grow for awhile & then style it as a bonsai in s few years. I would absolutely recommend this as for anyone, as it is easy to keep happy inside year round.