We make it really easy for anyone to grow plants.

With Greg, everyone can grow healthy plants with confidence. Anywhere, anytime of year.

Our goal is to build the future of living with plants.

A crazy powerful plant intelligence.

Greg is an intelligent assistant rooted in models used by plant science experts worldwide.

Behind-the-scenes, Greg uses physics and machine learning to predict the water needs of any plant in any environment.

Greg's guidance adapts to your growing style and changing weather.

We see the world not as it is, but as it could be.

So far, Greg has learned from ⚡️
41,534 Watered Today
47,699 Locations
510,203 Species
4,184,590 Plants

As more people use the app, Greg learns how to support a wider range of plants in more environments.

We envision a world where people, connected by a love for growth, are more informed to tackle the world’s thorniest environmental issues together.

Meet the team

We are a group of passionate plant parents working around the clock from around the world, united by a desire to create a greener world.

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