Schefflera Elegantissima

4.2 out of 5 (20 experiences)

About Schefflera Elegantissima
This evergreen shrub or tree in the Araliaceae family is often grown as a houseplant in temperate regions. It's a good specimen plant in tubs for home and commercial office corners, atria or as a specimen tree in larger interior landscape sites. It is a commonly cultivated outdoor tree in Hawaii, Florida & parts of California.
Plerandra elegantissima
Also known as
False Aralia, False Aralia, Dizygotheca elegantissima, Schefflera elegantissima, Galaxy False Aralia and Olympia False Aralia

How to care for Schefflera Elegantissima
How often to water your Schefflera Elegantissima

every 9
Schefflera Elegantissima needs 0.5 cups of water every 9 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot.
Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.
Water 0.5 cups every
Finding light for False Aralia in your home

a window
Schefflera Elegantissima love being close to bright, sunny windows 😎.
Place it less than 1ft from a south-facing window to maximize the potential for growth.
Schefflera Elegantissima does not tolerate low-light 🚫.
Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of Schefflera Elegantissima in your home 🏡.
How to fertilize Schefflera Elegantissima

Most potting soils come with ample nutrients which plants use to produce new growth.
By the time your plant has depleted the nutrients in its soil it’s likely grown enough to need a larger pot anyway.
To replenish this plant's nutrients, repot your Schefflera Elegantissima after it doubles in size or once a year—whichever comes first.
Hey there! Why’s my Aralia becoming an A-fail-ia? Direct sun 1-3 hours, 3 ft from window. Near humidifier, 60-75 degrees. Water once a week in a plastic, drained pot Lil droopy makin me sad :( #FalseAralia
Hello. I received Thomas yesterday via mail and he looks in bad shape. It’s been cold in my area and he could have been sitting in a delivery truck for a few days due to Thanksgiving. Any chance he survives? Thank you. #FalseAralia
Hi my false Aralia leaves are looking sad what do I do? #
Hi all! I have had my aralia for about 2 weeks, and quite a few of its leaves along the edges have stayed brown. *they were like this already, but thought that it just needed water, since it was stupid dry when I got it* should I just prune them off? #FalseAralia
Hi! Please share any tips and information about transplanting my baby False Aralia into her new next sized up pot. Thanks 😊👍 #FalseAralia
Hello everyone! I'm ready to transplant my baby sweetheart False Aralia into her next pot size. Any hints or suggestions would be appreciated 👍 Thanking you in advance.. #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #plantaddict #newgrowth #FalseAralia
False Aralia Struggles This plant is literally never happy. It always looks floppy and sickly. It’s in fresh soil with good drainage and plenty of light. The leave on the top look happy as can be… and the ones on the bottom look dead. Is there something else obvious that I’m missing? Or is this plant just a pain? ☹️ #FalseAralia #whydidibuythisplant #ugh
Help! I kept her on a window sill and made sure she water so when she started wilting, I put her outside for a few hours in direct sunlight, but no improvement. I also feel gooyness at the top of her stem so not looking good. Is all lost? #FalseAralia
What’s wrong with my False Aralia? The leaves are turning brown and falling off and it doesn’t seem to be growing anymore. Any advice for me?
Should it be potted alone? #FalseAralia
Care Summary for Schefflera Elegantissima
Schefflera Elegantissima
Greg recommends:

0.5 cups every 9 days

< 1ft from a window

Repot after 2x growth
Based on the 4” pot your plant is in, and that it doesn’t get direct sunlight.

What other plant parents say