Cutleaf Groundcherry
Also known as
angular winter-cherry, balloon-cherry, cut-leaf ground-cherry, gooseberry and hogweed
Physalis angulata

How to care for Cutleaf Groundcherry
How often to water your Cutleaf Groundcherry

every 9
Cutleaf Groundcherry needs 0.5 cups of water every 9 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot.
Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.
Water 0.5 cups every
Finding light for Cutleaf Groundcherry in your home

a window
Cutleaf Groundcherry love being close to bright, sunny windows 😎.
Place it less than 1ft from a south-facing window to maximize the potential for growth.
Cutleaf Groundcherry does not tolerate low-light 🚫.
Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of Cutleaf Groundcherry in your home 🏡.
How to fertilize Cutleaf Groundcherry

Most potting soils come with ample nutrients which plants use to produce new growth.
By the time your plant has depleted the nutrients in its soil it’s likely grown enough to need a larger pot anyway.
To replenish this plant's nutrients, repot your Cutleaf Groundcherry after it doubles in size or once a year—whichever comes first.
Yellow bottom leaves I just got this tomatillo plant. I noticed the bottom leaves are turning yellow and I don’t know why.
Tomatillo is testing me! Curling up leaves, darkening in color and sagging. PLEASE HELP! I am at my wits end with my tomatillo plant because I don’t know what’s going on. This particular tomatillo plant was the better than the other tomatillo I had started from seed. This tomatillo was purchased from a local nursery. About 2 weeks ago the leaves began to become darker green, curling up and sagging. Pest was a concern but quickly managed with neam oil sprayed nightly. Fox farm organic liquid plant food is given twice a week and with the recent hot/humid temperatures I have been watering the entire garden daily. No watering is done during and after heavy rain fall. It gets sunlight from about 8 AM - 10 AM with some shade after until about 11:30 AM and stays in direct sunlight until about 8 PM. The other tomatillo I grew from seed is thriving and bursting at the seems with fruit. I don’t know what else to do. Please help! The first 2 photos are of the problem child with the 3rd picture showing a side by side comparison of my 2 tomatillo plants. The final picture is of the brand of tomatillo purchased from the nursery.
Why is my groundcherry stunt and yellowing I planted this seeds from a fruit back in April, they since didn't show much growth. Besides each time I try to transfer any seedling it won't survive. And now some leaves are turning yellow. Help! Soil is mostly peet moss, and I fertilized it twice using npk 20 20 20. I used to water it daily and it looked greener, but upon Greg's recommended schedule I'm now watering it twice a week.
Why is my cape gooseberry stunted and yellow I planted this seeds from a fruit back in April, they since didn't show much growth. Besides each time I try to transfer any seedling it won't survive. And now some leaves are turning yellow. Help! Soil is mostly peet moss, and I fertilized it twice using npk 20 20 20. I used to water it daily and it looked greener, but upon Greg's recommended schedule I'm now watering it twice a week.
Why is my cape gooseberry stunted and yellow I planted this seeds from a fruit back in April, they since didn't show much growth. Besides each time I try to transfer any seedling it won't survive. And now some leaves are turning yellow. Help! Soil is mostly peet moss, and I fertilized it twice using npk 20 20 20. I used to water it daily and it looked greener, but upon Greg's recommended schedule I'm now watering it twice a week. It gets 3 hours direct sunlight in the morning and I leave it outside under a flood light for 5 more hours.
The leaves are turning brown. What should I do? #CapeGooseberry
The tag on this says it is a Clematis, the leaves are turning brown. What should I do  #CapeGooseberry
Care Summary for Cutleaf Groundcherry
Cutleaf Groundcherry
Greg recommends:

0.5 cups every 9 days

< 1ft from a window

Repot after 2x growth
Based on the 4” pot your plant is in, and that it doesn’t get direct sunlight.