Pink Hybrid Nerve Plant
Fittonia albivenis 'Frankie'

How to care for Pink Hybrid Nerve Plant
How often to water your Pink Hybrid Nerve Plant

every 9
Pink Hybrid Nerve Plant needs 0.5 cups of water every 9 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot.
Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.
Water 0.5 cups every
Finding light for Pink Hybrid Nerve Plant in your home

a window
Pink Hybrid Nerve Plant may have difficulty thriving, and will drop leaves 🍃, without ample sunlight.
Place it less than 3 feet from a south-facing window to maximize the potential for growth.
Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of Pink Hybrid Nerve Plant in your home 🏡.
How to fertilize Pink Hybrid Nerve Plant

Most potting soils come with ample nutrients which plants use to produce new growth.
By the time your plant has depleted the nutrients in its soil it’s likely grown enough to need a larger pot anyway.
To replenish this plant's nutrients, repot your Pink Hybrid Nerve Plant after it doubles in size or once a year—whichever comes first.
The moss from #secretplantysanta24 just arrived!! To the people who got me the moss and the driftwood, just know that I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you were able to help me create this little piece. I have two terrariums because of you! I should post pictures of the other one later. Also, this whole thing smells amazing. I sniffed it and I feel like I'm back in Michigan. P.S. That orchid is mounted on wood! Seems it got eaten by the rocks and moss 🤣 #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #propagationstation #growlights #orchidlovers #planttherapy #terrarium #moss #humiditylovers #fittonia #driftwood #phalaenopsisorchid #tinyplantenthusiast #sphagnummoss #diy
I was able to take pictures of my terrariums today! I have my Haraella retrocalla orchid in a jar with some driftwood, moss, a syngonium wetstick, and fittonia. The other is my Phal. (Sedirea) japonica orchid, also with driftwood, moss, and fittonia. It was suggested I put bird figurines on it, and it is adorable!! I think this one is more aesthetically pleasing than the jar. As you can see, I was trigger-happy (picture-happy?) with taking pictures of it. #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #propagationstation #fittonia #moss #syngonium #orchidlovers #sphagnummoss #plantcorner #plantlove #tropicalplants #psygmorchispusilla #terrarium
HELP plz—-sick looking #Fittonia
Nemo needs help! #Fittonia I have had this guy for about a month now. His leaves are staying crunchy and starting to turn but there is some new growth started. What can I do to give him a little extra TLC to help him strive? This is my first time growing a fittonia #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy
so my nerve plant has been struggling this winter so i sealed it in a ziplock to try to save it. is this mold on it? if so, what can i do? #Fittonia
HELP! My Fittonia is not perking up after watering. Hello! My sweet fittonia is being extra tempermental and is not perking up after a water. I went as far as buying her a humidifier. I was worried I overwatered so I am letting it dry out (the soil IS moist). I’m at a loss 😭 I inspected roots and there’s no rot. Please help! #Fittonia #NervePlant
#HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #Fittonia Wow!! I took a few cuttings from my mother nerve plant, Frazzle Dazzle on 5th Jan. Pita who I planted directly in coco coir with no roots had new growth 3 weeks in so I’m sure she has roots now! I’m going to have to repot her in new soil soon. Now I wait for the water props named Jitters to fully root! I have a few but they aren’t ready just yet!
Today I want to address some misleading information given on. Nerve Plant, Fittonia albivenis, and also Polka Dot Plants, Hypoestes phyllostachya I have seen Many posts related to these cuties in the past few weeks. I want to specifically address the comment that they are finicky and need more water when they droop. Or, the comments , "You need to water her more". This is the reason I don't like this advice: 1. Plants that are thriving should not have periods where they flop over and droop, repeating this cycle is indeed harmful to your plants. They respond this way because the under large amounts of stress. They no longer have the energy to support their own leaves. Causing them to flop over. It is a sign that your little plant is experiencing shock. Shock can be induced many ways by transplant, temperature changes, not enough humidity, watering, the list goes on but your plants leaves are telling you they are not thriving and your plant is indeed experiencing shock. 2. Now I've also heard people saying water more, your plant needs to stay moist. This is false. That watering over and over is creating a wet environment when no oxygen is able to circulate in the soil. This lack of oxygen will then create a breeding ground for bacteria growth. This bacteria growth then moves to your plants roots because it needs to feed on something. So what was originally appearing to help you plant. Is eventually going to hurt your plant. At first it might work, by allowing the wet soil to evaporate creating a humid environment for your plant to appear happy and perky. It appears good for a while maybe even weeks or months. But I am warning you this will catch up to you. The end result will inevitably be root rot! 3. You can in fact completely avoid this and have a healthy happy plant without the need for wet soil. Simply enclosing your polka dot or nerve plant is a transparent container or jar. Or, simply covering it with a jar or cup on top of the plant to increase humidity around your plant will save you from killing your plant. Your plant care will be some much easier and your plant will thrive never having to repeat the shock cycle again. Now I'm not saying you have to do it my way, or even that my way is the best. I honestly just want to educate people about what is happening to their plant and underneath that soil. You can choose what to do next with the information you have at hand. Here are some of my thriving polka dot and nerve plants. For full transparency I do keep the lids cracked a teeny bit. Simply because I don't like jars that I can't see through. Personally, I want to enjoy looking at my plants. And a closed lid created to much condensation for me to enjoy them. But either way works. You have to water much less often if they are fully closed. I do check weekly but only water a little bit when the soil starts to go dry. #polkadotplant #fittonia #nerveplant #plantshock #Hypoestesphyllostachya #Fittoniaalbivenis #planthelp #planttips #badadvice
I think I am 🥰. I ordered a red #Fittonia from a local Etsy store and boy Twitch is even more beautiful and vibrant than the photo on their website! I have a pink one I recently propped and it even flowered. It’s been doing so well and they are such fun plants, I wanted to expand the colors. Plus who doesn’t love a little pink and red for Valentine’s Day❤️💕 #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantMail #PlantTherapy #HappyPlants
Should I water them? I got some plants (fittonia, peperomia, and fern) for a closed terrarium, and I got them on Saturday. I'm going to get the soil for the terrarium on Friday this week. The soil of the plants is looking dry. Should I water them now, or will that be too much? I'll mist them when I replant them into the terrarium. #fittonia #babyrubberplant #fernfriends #tropicalplants #terrarium
Care Summary for Pink Hybrid Nerve Plant
Pink Hybrid Nerve Plant
Greg recommends:

0.5 cups every 9 days

< 3ft from a window

Repot after 2x growth
Based on the 4” pot your plant is in, and that it doesn’t get direct sunlight.