calathea exotica
Calathea oppenheimiana

How to care for calathea exotica
How often to water your calathea exotica

every 9
calathea exotica needs 0.5 cups of water every 9 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot.
Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.
Water 0.5 cups every
Finding light for calathea exotica in your home

a window
calathea exotica may have difficulty thriving, and will drop leaves 🍃, without ample sunlight.
Place it less than 3 feet from a south-facing window to maximize the potential for growth.
Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of calathea exotica in your home 🏡.
How to fertilize calathea exotica

Most potting soils come with ample nutrients which plants use to produce new growth.
By the time your plant has depleted the nutrients in its soil it’s likely grown enough to need a larger pot anyway.
To replenish this plant's nutrients, repot your calathea exotica after it doubles in size or once a year—whichever comes first.
Calathea Stella / Humidifier and grow light I was thinking about getting a Calathea Stella but was wondering about the humidity situation and how they handle grow lights. I’ve read a lot of posts from different people and some say Calatheas need 60% humidity to thrive. Other people say theirs does just fine with normal household humidity and the key is proper watering. I was wondering if I might be able to run a humidifier for about 2-4 hours a day to this plant specifically and make sure I’m good about watering and providing enough light. And then for grow lights, do these need to be pretty far from the plant to prevent burning the leaves? I have an ikea baggebo system so the shelves aren’t spaced super far. I could always remove the middle shelf and place a grow light on the bottom of the top shelf so it’s further away! Sorry, long post. But if you have any tips or tricks for growing Calathea Stella’s , I would really appreciate it! Would hate to buy one and not do enough for it to live its best life. I have cats so my plants are safely tucked away #CalatheaCrew #CalatheaStella #Calathea #calatheacare #GrowLights
How to save #Calathea i was given this plant by a coworker. What's the best hospice care for it
What’s happening #Calathea #CalatheaCrew #WhiteFusionCalathea What’s this lil weirdo leaf doing? It doesn’t uncurl and I have one other leaf that is starting to do the same thing. 🤨
Put my #calathea , miss Seraphina, in the artificial light today! She’s been growing upwards instead of letting her leaves relax and spread like she should. I got a few of her leaves to uncurl and straighten out, so I’m happy with that. She’s moving a lot today! Hoping she’ll be a bit more comfortable since it’s winter and the days are shorter here. Live, laugh, love #WhiteFusionCalathea 🥰
This arrived with black spots all over. The company said it is from shipping in the cold. Can this be saved? Is there more going on than cold damage? The white spots are water marks. The company will be sending me a new plant as well. Should I toss this or try to save? #NewPlantMom #CalatheaCrew #Calathea
Can this be saved? This arrived with black spots all over. The company said it is from shipping in the cold. Is there more going on than cold damage? The white spots are water marks. The company will be sending me a new plant as well. Should I toss this or can it be saved? If so, how? I’m new to all of this. #Dracaena
Surprise #PlantHaul! Excuse the bathroom pics 😂 best light in the house right now! My fiancé bought me these to congratulate me on quitting smoking! 😍🥰😇 It’s such a hard habit to break, at least for me it was, but I am going strong 💪🏼 I’m super proud of myself and he is proud of me, too! And he mentioned how many more plants I’ll be able to afford now! 🥳 Anyway, I cannot believe these were all at the grocery store! I’m always lucking out on the #GroceryStoreGems. BTW, anyone know what kind of alocasia this is? I love the leaf shape! 😍🌿🤗🪴 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewPlants #AlocasiaAddicts #PhiloFlock #Philodendron #CalatheaCrew #Calathea #Anthurium #PaintersPalette #MyBabeIsTheBest #babevila
Spider mites 🫥 A friend gave me his White Star Calathea over the summer when it was doing terrible. I got leaves back on this bb and have seen really satisfying growth after dealing with all the brown leaves, root rot, spider mites, fungus gnats, etc. unfortunately seems as tho I didnt fully eradicate those spider mites because they are 100% back under two of the leaves. Small white dots with webbings, etc. 1) What has worked for everyone in getting rid of these for good? 2) How far away does the plant need to be from others to reduce potential spread? #spidermites #CalatheaCrew #Calathea #PestControl #PlantMoms
My babies are thriving. My Florida Is too long to be ona table so it’s up on the China Cabinet. It’s in a 4 inch pot and despite its size, it’s happy in that pot because of its fibrous roots. No need to go up in size. What I learned about the #Calathea #Stromanthe and any plant that has paper thin foliage: They don’t like bright light. And in my location, they don’t need to be watered every week. I bottom water every three weeks and only the amount that fits in the catch-water tray. It’s evap slowly and provide adequate moisture to not rot the foliage. Sand with my other #PrayerPlant collection. My #RegalShields is happy in a larger pot with sips of water on Saturday and another on Wednesday. This is the highest number of leaves it’s held on to since I first got her with only three leaves. She did lose all of her leaves at one point but she’s doing better. I will add a soft, LED ring light overhead to mimic more sunlight since my entire Anthurium collection blocks the windows in that room. How are your plants doing? I hope they are all doing well. 🌿 #SanAntonioGregGang #CentralTexasGang #AlocasiaAddicts #Indoorplants #AnthuriumQueen #CarolinesWinterGarden
Is my calathea Freddie making a flower? It’s watering time and I decided to give Frederika a little inspection to make sure she is doing well and no pests have invaded since she was attacked by spider mites a couple months ago. Just making sure they haven’t come back and checking out her new leaves coming in… and then I saw this! 😮 is this a flower? Or the beginning of one, more like? Also, pet tax: Cody and #BuddyTheTurtle say hi! 🐢🤗💕 #CalatheaCrew #Calathea #CalatheaFreddie #HappyPlants #babevila #NewGrowth
Care Summary for calathea exotica
calathea exotica
Greg recommends:

0.5 cups every 9 days

< 3ft from a window

Repot after 2x growth
Based on the 4” pot your plant is in, and that it doesn’t get direct sunlight.