Beetle Peperomia
Kiersten Rankel
Kiersten lives in New Orleans, LA and graduated with her masters degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Tulane University in 2019.
She has conducted or assisted on research studies covering trees such as the bald cypress, swamp maple, and water tupelo, as well as important marsh grasses including Juncus, Spartina, and Phragmites.
Kiersten is a certified Louisiana Master Naturalist and regularly volunteers with local community gardens and nonprofits to help restore critical ecosystems along the Gulf Coast.

5.0 out of 5 (3 experiences)

About Beetle Peperomia
Did you know Peperomia plants belong to the pepper family, along with black peppercorns? Their fruits and seeds have traveled one of the longest distances ever recorded, over 3000 miles to an island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, while stuck to a bird's feet! 🦅 They can be easily propagated by leaves which make them super easy to share with friends!
Peperomia quadrangularis
Also known as
Peperomia angulata, Peperomia Angulata and peperomia quadrangularius

How to care for Beetle Peperomia
How often to water your Beetle Peperomia

every 9
Beetle Peperomia needs 0.5 cups of water every 9 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot.
Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.
Water 0.5 cups every
Finding light for Beetle Peperomia in your home

a window
Beetle Peperomia may have difficulty thriving, and will drop leaves 🍃, without ample sunlight.
Place it less than 3 feet from a south-facing window to maximize the potential for growth.
Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of Beetle Peperomia in your home 🏡.
How to fertilize Beetle Peperomia

Most potting soils come with ample nutrients which plants use to produce new growth.
By the time your plant has depleted the nutrients in its soil it’s likely grown enough to need a larger pot anyway.
To replenish this plant's nutrients, repot your Beetle Peperomia after it doubles in size or once a year—whichever comes first.
Greg identified this plant but now it won’t. Anyone know what this is?
What is my beetle peperomia doing? I am new to peperomias! Overall my plant looks healthy!
I have a beetle pepperomia and everywhere I put it it drops tons of leaves. Is this normal? It is really messy. I don’t know what to do. #gregteam
What is going on with the growth on this baby? I have never had a problem with Maya before. I noticed that some of the growth does not have leaves. There are bare spots along the length. I have not found any leaves on the floor. What should I do? Should I remove them or leave them alone. #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #peperomia #succulentsquad
Is this fungus? Is this normal coloring or is this fungus? #Peperomia
Overwatered? Soil was looking frequently dry so I was watering a little more, but the yellowing/dropping leaves is persisting. Finally reading more about #Peperomia it seems I did the wrong thing. Any advice? 💚
Possible pests on my new baby rubber plant?? There’s a couple little holes and brown dots. It’s currently quarantined in its own small greenhouse. #BabyRubberPlant #RubberPlant #peperomiaobtusifolia #Peperomia #plantcare #PestsAndPlants
#NotSoHappyPlants Hey #GregGang - I need a lot of help! How did this thing turn from pic 1 to pic 2 in less than a week?? I’ve tried everything Google suggested but TBH I’m not even sure I identified it correctly… how can I save this (very cool) little guy?? #Hoya #Peperomia
Peperomia Party! Like a lot of you I didn't make it long into the new year before I bought more plants 🙃. Meet the neighbors! Orwell, the Royal Princess Peperomia Sangre, the Piccolo Banda Peperomia Marley, the Luna Red (though it looks more chocolate to me??) Harper & Heath, the Abricos I ended up splitting Yella, the Moonlight Peperomia All from The Green Escape. Sangre was a little rough, lost half the leaves in travel, but everyone else looked great! Quick soil check found millipedes in Orwell but all new plants get dunked in the good stuff so they should be fine. #plantaddict #plantmail #happyplants #peperomia #peperomiaabricos #peperomiamoonlight #peperomiapiccolobanda #peperomialunared #peperomiaroyalprincess #begonia #begoniashydancer #begoniastormysunset #calatheacrew #junglevelvet #dapperpineapple #thegreenescape
Growing like a weed! #Peperomia what the heck do I do with this lady? She’s growing like a weed and not sure if I nn to repot?
Care Summary for Beetle Peperomia
Beetle Peperomia
Greg recommends:

0.5 cups every 9 days

< 3ft from a window

Repot after 2x growth
Based on the 4” pot your plant is in, and that it doesn’t get direct sunlight.

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Greg’s plant care information is derived from first-principles biology and physics and supported by peer-reviewed research, academic institutions, and industry experts. We are committed to providing the highest-quality plant care information available, so if you have any concerns about our content, feel free to reach out to our support.
- Plants for a Future. “Plant Database.” pfaf.org. N.p., n.d. Web.
- Encyclopedia of Life. “Encyclopedia of Life.” eol.org. N.p., n.d. Web.