Albuca Bracteata

4.5 out of 5 (4 experiences)

Also known as
Pregnant Onion, Pregnant Onion, False sea onion and Sea-onion
Albuca bracteata

How to care for Albuca Bracteata
How often to water your Albuca Bracteata

every 12
Albuca Bracteata needs 0.5 cups of water every 12 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot.
Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.
Water 0.5 cups every
Finding light for Pregnant Onion in your home

a window
Albuca Bracteata may have difficulty thriving, and will drop leaves 🍃, without ample sunlight.
Place it less than 3 feet from a south-facing window to maximize the potential for growth.
Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of Albuca Bracteata in your home 🏡.
How to fertilize Albuca Bracteata

Most potting soils come with ample nutrients which plants use to produce new growth.
By the time your plant has depleted the nutrients in its soil it’s likely grown enough to need a larger pot anyway.
To replenish this plant's nutrients, repot your Albuca Bracteata after it doubles in size or once a year—whichever comes first.
There was a lady here asking about a pregnant onion plant and I broke down and got one- IT'S CRAZY! The babies just burst forth like in an Alien movie! #StrangePlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PregnantOnion #PlayingWithPlantsInsteadOfWorking #HappyPlants
What plants have you gotten that were inspired by other #Greggers?! 😁 Who inspired you to get which plant? I'll start! The very first person on Greg who sent me on a mission to identify a plant in her profile picture was @spiderolga and her Maidenhair Vine! It's a gorgeous plant!  I didn't stop there #PlantAddictProbz)! But it's okay because #PlantsMakePeopleHappy and I love some #HappyPlants! #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #FicusFam #FicusGang #CactusClique #PlantTherapy #PlantProtégé #PetsAndPlants #PetsOfGreg #PlayingWithPlantsInsteadOfWorking #SolomonSealClub #SmellAPlant #MaidenhairVine #CapeSundew #ShrimpPlant #CommonMyrtle #Bigfoot #PetiolateFig #MammillariaHaageana #MeerloLavender #PregnantOnion #SolomonSeal #PeperomiaPerciliata #GoldenGoddessPhilodendron
Repot Somebody wanted to be repotted 👀 I got this from @sarahsalith like a year ago in a tiny pot and wow she took off!! 🤩 #RootPorn #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #GregGang #PregnantOnion
#PregnantOnion #BloomingSuccs she blooms! She likes this spot.
Recently I posted on how my Frizzle Sizzle had started to flower so I thought I’d give an update! It’s doing amazing and this is only like 9 days of growth since my last post! Not only that but it gives off this beautiful sweet vanilla scent that you can smell a few feet away! #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #NewPlantMom #FrizzleSizzle #FloweringPlants #SucculentSquad
My leaves are turning brown I have only had this a week. Help #PregnantOnion
I just have to share my new baby... It makes me laugh so much! #newplants #plantaddict #plantsmakepeoplehappy #weirdplants #funny #funnyplants
Soooooo… when can I expect my little bulb to sprout? I bought this little Albuca Concordiana bulb a few weeks ago and I have 0 experience with this particular plant. The bulb looks pretty healthy I guess? It’s green and plump looking. It’s got its own dedicated grow light for 14 hours a day, mix of half succulent soil and half perlite, not near an ac… when can expect sprouts? I can’t wait to see her little curly leaves! #SucculentSquad #help
Omg it’s happening! #NewGrowth ! My little bulb is finally sprouting little leaves!
Look at my special little guy! He wasn’t curling under the grow lamp, so I took him outside and now his little leaves are getting a little curl to them! #HappyPlants
Care Summary for Albuca Bracteata
Albuca Bracteata
Greg recommends:

0.5 cups every 12 days

< 3ft from a window

Repot after 2x growth
Based on the 4” pot your plant is in, and that it doesn’t get direct sunlight.

What other plant parents say

I find these guys absolutely charming. They push out a super long flower stalk I usually need to lean against the window frame, with a cluster of white flowers that will open in waves from the bottom up. The bulb base will start to shrivel when a watering is needed, I use a terracotta pot and succulent potting mix, they’re very receptive to bottom watering and will quickly recover to a beautiful succulent bulb beneath any loose skin. The skin is perfectly normal and where the “babies” come from. The long leaf tips will droop once they get too big and often crisp at the end at normal household humidity. They’ll thrive on the sunniest windowsill you can find them.