NeemOil Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @GR1M · 2M Guys I have a huge problem. My plants have recently been hit with a nasty mealy bug/thrips infestation and it’s taking my plants faster than I can cure them. I have been spraying with neem oil for a few weeks now and have even showered off the white fuzz and did my best to get nooks and crannies. It genuinely seems to have gotten more aggressive and I’m ngl I came home and felt my heart sink. I stand to lose so many plants, some of which are rare, and I don’t know what else to do… #neemoil #pests #thrips #mealybugs #sickplants #advice #pestcontrol 4 8 Comments @Catplantaddict · 3M Questions about dealing with spider mites 0 15 Comments @Popcornjoness · 4M It’s here!!! I can’t wait to get started spoiling my babies #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #plantcare #Fertilizer #NeemOil #WetheWild 19 8 Comments @Popcornjoness · 4M We the Wild? 10 14 Comments @Tauruss · 5M Dieffenbachia 1 3 Comments @tunnybiger · 5M Remember the disaster with outdoor succulents, pests, and neem oil?? Well, I thought they had all died from the too powerful neem oil, and yet… they live. Barely, but still alive, though tbh they are pretty ugly😅🥹😢 still happy they’re alive! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #OutdoorGrowing #PlantTherapy #NeemOil #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove 8 3 Comments @Ronigrows · 5M Neem Oil 1 2 Comments @tunnybiger · 5M Can Neem Oil be put on Succulents?? 0 18 Comments @AmyM · 6M Why is this leaf so light? 4 17 Comments @TwistedThreads · 8M #WetheWild 15 8 Comments @Lenny · 8M New growth since I’ve been spraying with #NeemOil consistently! #MoneyTree one of the leaves as you can see did get eaten when it was still very wee but I think there hasn’t been any sign of pests since then! #HappyPlants #NewGrowth 12 4 Comments @VerdantFlora · 8M We’ve got #spidermites! At least that’s what I assumed, yesterday, when I found little webs between some #Orchid petals. I separated and quarantined her. I sprayed her with protect spray with neem oil (from #WetheWild) as I didn’t have any plain #NeemOil. And today I got a bottle! Do I have almost a hundred plants? Yes. Are some of them not yet in the Greg app? Also yes. Have I been quarantining new plants properly? No. Are about half the plants I have newly acquired within the last month or two? Probably, yeah. Did quarantining them make sense? Not really, not with that many new ones. Did I spray every single plant with neem oil, today ? Yes. Yes I did. Did I find any more plants with spider mites? Yeah, just one more plant. Did I quarantine that one as well? Yes, but also separately from the other. Did I go through a whole bottle of spray? Yeah. Pretty much. Would I do it again? Yeah, if I need to. Do I regret it? No. Well…. Maybe? Yeah? What do I regret? I regret to inform you all the neem oil makes for a fantastically horrible air freshener. I can smell it even with a stuffed up nose. It’s the first time I’ve used neem oil or had spider mites. Any tips are welcome. ALL of my plants are under grow lights. NONE of them get direct sun. I know neem oil burns plant leaves in direct sun, but what about grow lights? I turned off my lights after spraying everything. Should I leave them off for a day or something? Thanks! #PlantAddict #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantTherapy #PLANTMAFIA #GregGang #Greggers #VerdantFlora 5 12 Comments @SunnyPlants · 10M Fuschia Flowers 🌸 🌸 Grow Light Bulb Appreciation 💡🙏🏽 Today I’m sooo thankful 🙏🏽 for my Grow Light Bulbs 💡💡 in my lamp helping my Fuschia to flower indoors !!! 🌸 It has tons of buds, so more flowers to come! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸😊 It hasn’t been easy to overwinter this plant as it was attacked by spider mites!! 🕸🕷🕸 Getting rid of them was *not* fun! 👎🏽👎🏽 I will say that while it wasn’t fun to continually spray this plant with Neem Oil 😷, it was definitely worth the trouble! 😍🌸🤩 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #GregGang #NewGrowth #FreshLeafFriday #FreshFlowerFridayonSaturday #GrowLights #NeemOil 10 9 Comments @BotanicalMouse · 11M Neem oil 1 2 Comments @thingsNstuff · 1Y Treating spidermites: what have you used? Does neem work? 5 12 Comments @MadiMonstera · 1Y Neem oil on succulents & snake plant help!! 11 19 Comments @MadiMonstera · 1Y Ahhh the joy of a fresh leaf unwrapping!!! Oh wait… what’s that small white thing?! A MEALYBUG!!! Joy of the new leaf instantly gone. The mealy bug was destroyed with rubbing alcohol & I immediately sprayed him with a neem oil spray that I just purchased. I bought it to just make all of my leaves shiny & to prevent any pests but thankful I got it in time to treat this! #variegatedplants #VariegatedRubberTree #NewLeafAlert #MealyBugAttacks #NeemOil #PestControl 7 2 Comments @RealSimpleMama · 1Y Which #NeemOil 0 4 Comments @Nataliesplants · 2Y Neem oil is one of the best natural ways I’ve found to make the leaves shiny and prevent future pests! Just used it on my triostar and now she shines!! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #TriostarStromanthe #NeemOil 25 15 Comments @planthoe40 · 2Y Neem Oil 2 4 Comments See 20 more posts
NeemOil Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 4 8 Guys I have a huge problem. My plants have recently been hit with a nasty mealy bug/thrips infestation and it’s taking my plants faster than I can cure them. I have been spraying with neem oil for a few weeks now and have even showered off the white fuzz and did my best to get nooks and crannies. It genuinely seems to have gotten more aggressive and I’m ngl I came home and felt my heart sink. I stand to lose so many plants, some of which are rare, and I don’t know what else to do… #neemoil #pests #thrips #mealybugs #sickplants #advice #pestcontrol @GR1M posted 2M ago 0 15 Questions about dealing with spider mites @Catplantaddict asked 3M ago 19 8 It’s here!!! I can’t wait to get started spoiling my babies #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #plantcare #Fertilizer #NeemOil #WetheWild @Popcornjoness posted 4M ago 10 14 We the Wild? @Popcornjoness asked 4M ago 1 3 Dieffenbachia @Tauruss asked 5M ago 8 3 Remember the disaster with outdoor succulents, pests, and neem oil?? Well, I thought they had all died from the too powerful neem oil, and yet… they live. Barely, but still alive, though tbh they are pretty ugly😅🥹😢 still happy they’re alive! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #OutdoorGrowing #PlantTherapy #NeemOil #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove @tunnybiger posted 5M ago 1 2 Neem Oil @Ronigrows asked 5M ago 0 18 Can Neem Oil be put on Succulents?? @tunnybiger asked 5M ago 4 17 Why is this leaf so light? @AmyM asked 6M ago 15 8 #WetheWild @TwistedThreads asked 8M ago 12 4 New growth since I’ve been spraying with #NeemOil consistently! #MoneyTree one of the leaves as you can see did get eaten when it was still very wee but I think there hasn’t been any sign of pests since then! #HappyPlants #NewGrowth @Lenny posted 8M ago 5 12 We’ve got #spidermites! At least that’s what I assumed, yesterday, when I found little webs between some #Orchid petals. I separated and quarantined her. I sprayed her with protect spray with neem oil (from #WetheWild) as I didn’t have any plain #NeemOil. And today I got a bottle! Do I have almost a hundred plants? Yes. Are some of them not yet in the Greg app? Also yes. Have I been quarantining new plants properly? No. Are about half the plants I have newly acquired within the last month or two? Probably, yeah. Did quarantining them make sense? Not really, not with that many new ones. Did I spray every single plant with neem oil, today ? Yes. Yes I did. Did I find any more plants with spider mites? Yeah, just one more plant. Did I quarantine that one as well? Yes, but also separately from the other. Did I go through a whole bottle of spray? Yeah. Pretty much. Would I do it again? Yeah, if I need to. Do I regret it? No. Well…. Maybe? Yeah? What do I regret? I regret to inform you all the neem oil makes for a fantastically horrible air freshener. I can smell it even with a stuffed up nose. It’s the first time I’ve used neem oil or had spider mites. Any tips are welcome. ALL of my plants are under grow lights. NONE of them get direct sun. I know neem oil burns plant leaves in direct sun, but what about grow lights? I turned off my lights after spraying everything. Should I leave them off for a day or something? Thanks! #PlantAddict #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantTherapy #PLANTMAFIA #GregGang #Greggers #VerdantFlora @VerdantFlora posted 8M ago 10 9 Fuschia Flowers 🌸 🌸 Grow Light Bulb Appreciation 💡🙏🏽 Today I’m sooo thankful 🙏🏽 for my Grow Light Bulbs 💡💡 in my lamp helping my Fuschia to flower indoors !!! 🌸 It has tons of buds, so more flowers to come! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸😊 It hasn’t been easy to overwinter this plant as it was attacked by spider mites!! 🕸🕷🕸 Getting rid of them was *not* fun! 👎🏽👎🏽 I will say that while it wasn’t fun to continually spray this plant with Neem Oil 😷, it was definitely worth the trouble! 😍🌸🤩 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #GregGang #NewGrowth #FreshLeafFriday #FreshFlowerFridayonSaturday #GrowLights #NeemOil @SunnyPlants posted 10M ago 1 2 Neem oil @BotanicalMouse asked 11M ago 5 12 Treating spidermites: what have you used? Does neem work? @thingsNstuff asked 1Y ago 11 19 Neem oil on succulents & snake plant help!! @MadiMonstera asked 1Y ago 7 2 Ahhh the joy of a fresh leaf unwrapping!!! Oh wait… what’s that small white thing?! A MEALYBUG!!! Joy of the new leaf instantly gone. The mealy bug was destroyed with rubbing alcohol & I immediately sprayed him with a neem oil spray that I just purchased. I bought it to just make all of my leaves shiny & to prevent any pests but thankful I got it in time to treat this! #variegatedplants #VariegatedRubberTree #NewLeafAlert #MealyBugAttacks #NeemOil #PestControl @MadiMonstera posted 1Y ago 0 4 Which #NeemOil @RealSimpleMama asked 1Y ago 25 15 Neem oil is one of the best natural ways I’ve found to make the leaves shiny and prevent future pests! Just used it on my triostar and now she shines!! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #TriostarStromanthe #NeemOil @Nataliesplants posted 2Y ago 2 4 Neem Oil @planthoe40 asked 2Y ago See 20 more posts