mealybugs Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @SparklyFilbert · 1M Mealy Bugs!!! Help! 0 7 Comments @GR1M · 2M Guys I have a huge problem. My plants have recently been hit with a nasty mealy bug/thrips infestation and it’s taking my plants faster than I can cure them. I have been spraying with neem oil for a few weeks now and have even showered off the white fuzz and did my best to get nooks and crannies. It genuinely seems to have gotten more aggressive and I’m ngl I came home and felt my heart sink. I stand to lose so many plants, some of which are rare, and I don’t know what else to do… #neemoil #pests #thrips #mealybugs #sickplants #advice #pestcontrol 4 8 Comments @DapperPineapple · 2M Mealy Bugs / Spidermite Wambo Combo? 1 1 Comments @alexandriaaah · 3M Mealybugs? Am I cursed? 🥲 0 2 Comments @YourPalMal · 3M I just picked up this girl and can’t see any thrips, any stage, or mealies, but looks like she’s got a minor infestation/recovering from one. What say you? 0 4 Comments @AnthuriumQueen · 4M #barkscale aka #mealybugs are on the rampage. You’ll notice that the bark will turn black because of the honeydew excrement of the mealy bugs. You’ll get closer and see the mealy bugs in their fluffy glory. The minute you see these on outdoor trees, it’s time to treat them with soap and water if it’s not a bag infestation. If it is, go for systemic treatments that work through the roots. First sign of bark scale is leaves look black. This is sooty mold that has affected the foliage. The bark looks black rather than the tan color it used to be. Next is yellowing leaves and no blooms, followed by defoliation. In high humidity and hot climates, it’s best to mist your trees and shrubs occasionally to prevent the infestation. Soap and water and rubbing alcohol do the trick to dislodge mealy bugs when used with a jet hose end sprayer. You can look for other harsher treatments but you will have to be patient for it to work. Yes, I had bark scale in four crape myrtles. They are thriving again. You can scrub off the bark scale if you want to but a long jet spraying of the leaves will work if you catch it at the beginning. Just don’t forget to check in the tree every day until the problem is eradicated. #GregGang #SanAntonioGregGang #CentralTexasGang #CrapeMyrtle #OutdoorGardening 3 1 Comments @tartz66 · 4M HELP!! Pony tail Pam infested. 1 7 Comments @vvvelo · 4M Mealybugs Spa day for my succulents ! I’ve noticed little sticky drops on the leaves of some succulents. Then I figure out there is mealybugs. So I’ve started manually removing them. It is crazy! Now every plant is getting rubbing alcohol shower #mealybugs #succulents #SucculentSquad #SucculentSquad #vladimirisbraggingagain #succulentsdeceases #sundaysuccs 23 29 Comments @AceQuivertree · 6M I found a couple mealy bugs on my plant today and im freaking out not knowing what to do because i have been praying all my plant everytime other time i water this bottle😭😭😭😭 #help #mealybugs 1 3 Comments @FelicitousPansy · 7M Mealybugs on my plant 3 9 Comments @DracarysDahlia · 7M Gifted these Jade Plants today. Need help ID’ing issues 3 3 Comments @RealSimpleMama · 8M Mealybugs. Sigh. 1 15 Comments @tartz66 · 1Y Help!! 6 5 Comments @ThePlantMomLife · 1Y (Part 2) Some pages from my book “How Not To Kill Your Houseplant” By Veronica Peerless. #HappyPlants #BooksOnPlants #PlantBooks #Tips #Pests #Diseases #Bugs #Mealybugs #Scale #SpiderMites #PlantLove #Symptoms 4 0 Comments @ThePlantMomLife · 1Y Okay so yesterday I went to spend my Christmas 💰 and found something I’d been wanting for a long time. I’m finally a mama to a #PinkPrincessPhilodendron AHHHH!!! 🤩🤩🤩 I nearly screamed in Lowe’s when I saw her. Meet Barbie!👱♀️❤️🪴 Also came home with a #LuckyBamboo and a #Aglaonema and they are so pretty! The only downside is…. After I got home I noticed a few mealy bugs 🤦♀️ So these three have been treated and are being isolated. I’m NOT letting this spoil my excitement. This is my first run in with these pests, BUT I also purchased some books at Barnes and Noble while I was out and they have a lot of helpful tips. SO we’re just going to keep working at it, checking in, and praying this is resolved 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I truly believe it will be. Some times new things come with new challenges and challenges bring experience 👍🏻 Aside from all of that I also picked up some Miracle Grow Leaf Shine and Indoor Plant Food. I really enjoyed their Tropical Plant Food the last time I stocked up and I know the babies did cause they’ve been popping out new leaves like it’s not even Winter time lol. #Challenges #Pests #ChristmasShopping #NewPlantBabies #PlantFood #StickWithIt #MealyBugs #Tropicals #IndoorPlants #Books #LeafShine #PlantShopping #SoExcited #NeverGiveUp #HappyPlants #GetWellSoon #DoctorMom #PlantParent #GoldenFlourite 27 12 Comments @MyrskyCeleste · 1Y Mealybugs.... 2 3 Comments @Bunny413 · 1Y OMG Mind blown. This must be how mealy bugs can just pop up.out of nowhere. Apparently, some ants actually carry them around. 🤯 #mealybugs #pestcontrol #outdoorgrowing #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict 10 8 Comments @Dustmite · 1Y Unsolicited #PSA ! Just because a #cactus is densely spined, it is NOT immune to mealies! In moving this #mammillaria back to school and viewing it in more focused light, I noticed a small infestation that I had been missing. It is so easy to spot #mealybugs on gymnos and echinopsis, but I tend to take these mams for granted when doing #pest checks. Don't neglect the nips! #cactusclique #succulentsquad #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #happyplants #deathtomealies 7 2 Comments @foliagegirl · 1Y When you have noticed #aphids, #mealybugs AND #spidermites amongst your plants, now that the weather has warmed up...time to bring out the mini warriors! For the Aussies, this is where I buy from. Just received them. They are promptly getting their new homes in a moment! #BeneficialBugs #lacewinglarvae #californicusmites #bugsforbugs #miniwarriors 4 4 Comments @tartz66 · 1Y Struggling 1 6 Comments See 20 more posts
mealybugs Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 0 7 Mealy Bugs!!! Help! @SparklyFilbert asked 1M ago 4 8 Guys I have a huge problem. My plants have recently been hit with a nasty mealy bug/thrips infestation and it’s taking my plants faster than I can cure them. I have been spraying with neem oil for a few weeks now and have even showered off the white fuzz and did my best to get nooks and crannies. It genuinely seems to have gotten more aggressive and I’m ngl I came home and felt my heart sink. I stand to lose so many plants, some of which are rare, and I don’t know what else to do… #neemoil #pests #thrips #mealybugs #sickplants #advice #pestcontrol @GR1M posted 2M ago 1 1 Mealy Bugs / Spidermite Wambo Combo? @DapperPineapple asked 2M ago 0 2 Mealybugs? Am I cursed? 🥲 @alexandriaaah asked 3M ago 0 4 I just picked up this girl and can’t see any thrips, any stage, or mealies, but looks like she’s got a minor infestation/recovering from one. What say you? @YourPalMal asked 3M ago 3 1 #barkscale aka #mealybugs are on the rampage. You’ll notice that the bark will turn black because of the honeydew excrement of the mealy bugs. You’ll get closer and see the mealy bugs in their fluffy glory. The minute you see these on outdoor trees, it’s time to treat them with soap and water if it’s not a bag infestation. If it is, go for systemic treatments that work through the roots. First sign of bark scale is leaves look black. This is sooty mold that has affected the foliage. The bark looks black rather than the tan color it used to be. Next is yellowing leaves and no blooms, followed by defoliation. In high humidity and hot climates, it’s best to mist your trees and shrubs occasionally to prevent the infestation. Soap and water and rubbing alcohol do the trick to dislodge mealy bugs when used with a jet hose end sprayer. You can look for other harsher treatments but you will have to be patient for it to work. Yes, I had bark scale in four crape myrtles. They are thriving again. You can scrub off the bark scale if you want to but a long jet spraying of the leaves will work if you catch it at the beginning. Just don’t forget to check in the tree every day until the problem is eradicated. #GregGang #SanAntonioGregGang #CentralTexasGang #CrapeMyrtle #OutdoorGardening @AnthuriumQueen posted 4M ago 1 7 HELP!! Pony tail Pam infested. @tartz66 asked 4M ago 23 29 Mealybugs Spa day for my succulents ! I’ve noticed little sticky drops on the leaves of some succulents. Then I figure out there is mealybugs. So I’ve started manually removing them. It is crazy! Now every plant is getting rubbing alcohol shower #mealybugs #succulents #SucculentSquad #SucculentSquad #vladimirisbraggingagain #succulentsdeceases #sundaysuccs @vvvelo posted 4M ago 1 3 I found a couple mealy bugs on my plant today and im freaking out not knowing what to do because i have been praying all my plant everytime other time i water this bottle😭😭😭😭 #help #mealybugs @AceQuivertree asked 6M ago 3 9 Mealybugs on my plant @FelicitousPansy asked 7M ago 3 3 Gifted these Jade Plants today. Need help ID’ing issues @DracarysDahlia asked 7M ago 1 15 Mealybugs. Sigh. @RealSimpleMama asked 8M ago 6 5 Help!! @tartz66 asked 1Y ago 4 0 (Part 2) Some pages from my book “How Not To Kill Your Houseplant” By Veronica Peerless. #HappyPlants #BooksOnPlants #PlantBooks #Tips #Pests #Diseases #Bugs #Mealybugs #Scale #SpiderMites #PlantLove #Symptoms @ThePlantMomLife posted 1Y ago 27 12 Okay so yesterday I went to spend my Christmas 💰 and found something I’d been wanting for a long time. I’m finally a mama to a #PinkPrincessPhilodendron AHHHH!!! 🤩🤩🤩 I nearly screamed in Lowe’s when I saw her. Meet Barbie!👱♀️❤️🪴 Also came home with a #LuckyBamboo and a #Aglaonema and they are so pretty! The only downside is…. After I got home I noticed a few mealy bugs 🤦♀️ So these three have been treated and are being isolated. I’m NOT letting this spoil my excitement. This is my first run in with these pests, BUT I also purchased some books at Barnes and Noble while I was out and they have a lot of helpful tips. SO we’re just going to keep working at it, checking in, and praying this is resolved 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I truly believe it will be. Some times new things come with new challenges and challenges bring experience 👍🏻 Aside from all of that I also picked up some Miracle Grow Leaf Shine and Indoor Plant Food. I really enjoyed their Tropical Plant Food the last time I stocked up and I know the babies did cause they’ve been popping out new leaves like it’s not even Winter time lol. #Challenges #Pests #ChristmasShopping #NewPlantBabies #PlantFood #StickWithIt #MealyBugs #Tropicals #IndoorPlants #Books #LeafShine #PlantShopping #SoExcited #NeverGiveUp #HappyPlants #GetWellSoon #DoctorMom #PlantParent #GoldenFlourite @ThePlantMomLife posted 1Y ago 2 3 Mealybugs.... @MyrskyCeleste asked 1Y ago 10 8 OMG Mind blown. This must be how mealy bugs can just pop up.out of nowhere. Apparently, some ants actually carry them around. 🤯 #mealybugs #pestcontrol #outdoorgrowing #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict @Bunny413 posted 1Y ago 7 2 Unsolicited #PSA ! Just because a #cactus is densely spined, it is NOT immune to mealies! In moving this #mammillaria back to school and viewing it in more focused light, I noticed a small infestation that I had been missing. It is so easy to spot #mealybugs on gymnos and echinopsis, but I tend to take these mams for granted when doing #pest checks. Don't neglect the nips! #cactusclique #succulentsquad #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #happyplants #deathtomealies @Dustmite posted 1Y ago 4 4 When you have noticed #aphids, #mealybugs AND #spidermites amongst your plants, now that the weather has warmed up...time to bring out the mini warriors! For the Aussies, this is where I buy from. Just received them. They are promptly getting their new homes in a moment! #BeneficialBugs #lacewinglarvae #californicusmites #bugsforbugs #miniwarriors @foliagegirl posted 1Y ago 1 6 Struggling @tartz66 asked 1Y ago See 20 more posts