Haworthia Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular @BrawnyMachofern · 2d This is typically how far my plants are away from my windows...too far? too close? Just want to make sure I'm giving the right amount of light. #echeveria #haworthia #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy 1 2 Comments @SpiffyGonolobus · 2w Anyone know which variety is this haworthia/haworthiopsis? 2 3 Comments @EmFo120 · 1M Is this normal new growth? What does he want? 1 7 Comments @itsjordan · 2M Finally repot day for some of my newer children! I love getting rid of the rock solid, yucky nursery soil and putting in my own soil! Here’s some #RootPorn for you plant freaks. The last photo is my cat judging me for doing this inside in a huge box because it’s too cold and windy outside lol. She stared the entire time with wonder. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #repotting #SucculentSquad #Haworthia #Anacampseros #IcePlant #PicklePlant 14 3 Comments @itsjordan · 2M I love my haworthias 🥹 I was putting them together to admire them all, and my cat wanted to as well. #PetsAndPlants They’re such a gorgeous variety!! -Zebra Haworthia -Haworthia attenuata 'Bones' -Fairy Washboard -Haworthia Savanna #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #Haworthia #ZebraHaworthiopsis #FairyWashboard #SucculentSquad 17 4 Comments @TidyTigerpear · 2M Happy thanksgiving #GregGang 🍁 Took these at my gramma’s house she has lots of house plants and outdoor plants. Her mother of thousands was huge & healthy (pic2). 5. Kermit the Jewel plant has a bloom . 4. My thanksgiving dinner plate 🍽️ I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. Im very thankful foor the food,& plant buddies. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #thanksgivingcactus #ThankfulThursday #PlantAddict #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #NewGrowth #Haworthia #Indoorplants #MotherOfThousands #Succulents #BloomingSuccs 9 6 Comments @itsjordan · 2M Found a small business in my tiny town, and oh yeah— definitely gonna be returning to her because 😳! I got this gorgeous haworthia savanna for $1.50! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #SucculentSquad #Haworthia 42 12 Comments @FairyFly · 2M He did it again. I love him so much!! Four new babies along with my fur baby Pretty Girl. #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #succulentlove #cactusclique #cactus #elephantbush #aloevera #haworthia #mammillaria #petsandplants #petsofgreg 29 4 Comments @Scubamom · 2M I think I have seen this question before but here goes. I am trying to add a new plant. When I take a photo the correct plant is not populating. What can I do? #haworthia rigidas unite #haworthiopsis rigida 1 2 Comments @TidyTigerpear · 3M Getting my plant shelf ready for winter! I’ve got a couole on here already that prefer indirect light. Mostly my Haworthia and a couple other succulents that don’t prefer direct sunglight. This year I will have a desk fan to combat powdery mildew, or fungus knats. AIR CIRCULATION & FLOW are super important when it comes to moving your plants inside (closely together on shelves can reduce airflow, and increase chances of disease.) I have started treating them with my arber fungicide & insecticide so they will be healthy once I bring them all indoors. I’m so nervous about that because they have been doing so well!! Could someone help me identify the succulent in the third photo? I repotted it yesterday, as well as a few other propagations! Also wanted to show off my anacampseros sunrise! Look at how big she is! She’s super heavy so it’s hard for it too stand up straight, so I used some stakes and plant Velcro. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #SucculentSquad #Succulents #succulent #NewGrowth #FreshLeafFriday #FreshFeaturedFriday #PropagationStation #PlantID #identify #GrowLights #PlantShelfie #PlantCorner #Haworthia 26 6 Comments @TidyTigerpear · 3M I know I’ve been posting a lot guys.. but I finally had time to do some plant chores, which in turn means plant pictures for Greg. 😊✌🏻🌱 •these are all my Haworthias, I keep them inside in a window sill that gets some morning light. They seem to do pretty well there. Ever since I started growing succuIents I have loved this species! They are so easy going, low maintenance, tolerant of pretty much anything, & all while having so many unique & eye catching varieties to choose from. Kinda reminds of Crassula (another favorite species of mine for the same reasons). 2. Crowded Haworthia 3. Haworthia ‘mirabilis’ 4. Zebra haworthia 5. Haworthia ‘limifolia’ #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #Haworthia #SucculentLove #SucculentSquad #Succulents #Succulent #SuccerForSucculents #GrowingSuccs #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantShelfie #PlantCorner #PlantLove #GregGang #HaworthiaHangout 19 5 Comments @DollKhakiweed · 3M Can anyone is this plant ? 1 2 Comments @TidyTigerpear · 3M #FreshLeafFriday #FreshFeaturedFriday 🙌🏻 Hope your week was great. My mom surprised me with a bunch of plants as an early birthday gift.. 😊 I don’t have them all pictured yet. just the first two are from her, which are Haworthias. I repotted them today. I also wanted to show how fast my jewel plant is growing (3) . And I also decided to repot to cacti that I had, in smaller pots for now. 🌵 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentLove #SucculentSquad #Succulents #Succulent #CactusClique #Cacti #Cactus #Haworthia #PlantLove #WeirPlants #PlantTherapy 26 10 Comments @itsjordan · 3M I know that often with succulents, the advice is to look for signs of thirst in the leaves because they’ll wrinkle or change color, and if you’ve been told that but you’re like “what does that even look like!” “I can’t tell if there’s a change!” I like taking visual guides. I have two examples, before and after of my haworthia and Echeveria. I let them get real thirsty, and you can see if you look closely at the haworthia leaves that they’re super concave, the edges curl inward (and although the lighting isn’t the same, she was darker/not as bright colored before getting watered). After watering, she has filled her leaves out a little bit, they’re not as severely dented in, and she’s brighter! The Echeveria is more obvious in that the bottom side of her leaves were getting wrinkly, especially if I pushed on them to encourage the wrinkles to show. No wrinkles after water, only plump goodness! 🙂🌱 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #SucculentSquad #Succulents #Haworthia #Echeveria 20 7 Comments @TheLonelyDaff · 4M Bit late in the year but its succulent flower time. My Baby toes and Veined Haworthia have flowered after teasing me with the flower stalks for a couple of weeks. #succulentsquad #floweringplants #greggang #plantsmakepeoplehappy #happyplants #whatthesuccwednesday #haworthia #veinedhaworthia #babytoes #fenestrari #Mesembs 13 1 Comments @purplegreen865 · 4M Strange new growth on Haworthia 3 3 Comments @ScarletMoon · 5M Cut or pot? 6 23 Comments @stephonicle · 5M I used my #greggivesback code to order from PlanetDesert.com (thanks again to the #gregteam for their recognition and generosity!) They arrived the other day, so thought I'd share my haul with everyone 😻 Clockwise from top: Copper Spoons (Chester Copperpot), Mother of Thousands (Joan Crawford), String of Rubies/Ruby Necklace (Dorothy), Haworthiopsis Concolor (Ringo) and Peperomia Hope (Barack) I had a fantastic experience with Planet Desert! (Fyi @itsjordan) I got five very healthy plants in 4-in pots for around $50 (plus $10 to ship). They were carefully wrapped and packed, and shipping was super fast. If you're considering placing an order with them, you can get 10% off using this link: https:// #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PLANTMAFIA #SucculentSquad #Kalanchoe #HappyPlants #CopperSpoons #MotherOfThousands #RubyNecklace #Haworthia #HaworthiopsisConcolor #Peperomia #PeperomiaHope #GregGang #GregGang 20 5 Comments @ehery · 5M open open open open waiting for my first cathedral window haworthia bloom to open. and a second is on the way 😀 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #SucculentSquad #Haworthia 10 1 Comments @Arshida666 · 5M Hey there👋🏻 My Haworthia has a big problem! 3 7 Comments See 20 more posts Learn More AboutStar Cactus Care 🌻 Annual 🌻 Annual 🌟 Benefits 🏺 Best Pot 🏺 Best Pot 🐞 Bugs 🏠 Care Indoors 🏠 Care Indoors 🏞️ Care Outdoors 🏞️ Care Outdoors 👥 Companion Plants 👥 Companion Plants 🌞 Direct Sunlight 🍽️ Edible 🍽️ Edible 💩 Fertilizing 🌸 Flower 🥀 Flower Problems 💦 How Often to Water 📈 How to Grow 📈 How to Grow 🧑🌾 How to Plant 🧑🌾 How to Plant 💨 Humidity 🏡 Landscaping Ideas 🏡 Landscaping Ideas 🔄 Lifecycle 🌤️ Light Requirements 🌱 Overview 🌳 Perennial 🌳 Perennial 🐝 Pollination 🐝 Pollination 🧪 Propagating ✂️ Pruning 🪴 Repotting 🫚 Roots 🪴 Soil 🌡️ Temperature 🌱 Varieties 🌱 Varieties 🔍 Weeds 🔍 Weeds 🐛 What Eats 🗓️ When to Plant 🗓️ When to Plant 📍 Where to Plant 📍 Where to Plant 🥶 Winter 🥶 Winter
Haworthia Join the Community #Monstera #NewGrowth #FicusGang #HappyPlants #Pothos #GrowLights New Popular Ask a Question 1 2 This is typically how far my plants are away from my windows...too far? too close? Just want to make sure I'm giving the right amount of light. #echeveria #haworthia #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy @BrawnyMachofern asked 2d ago 2 3 Anyone know which variety is this haworthia/haworthiopsis? @SpiffyGonolobus asked 2w ago 1 7 Is this normal new growth? What does he want? @EmFo120 asked 1M ago 14 3 Finally repot day for some of my newer children! I love getting rid of the rock solid, yucky nursery soil and putting in my own soil! Here’s some #RootPorn for you plant freaks. The last photo is my cat judging me for doing this inside in a huge box because it’s too cold and windy outside lol. She stared the entire time with wonder. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #repotting #SucculentSquad #Haworthia #Anacampseros #IcePlant #PicklePlant @itsjordan posted 2M ago 17 4 I love my haworthias 🥹 I was putting them together to admire them all, and my cat wanted to as well. #PetsAndPlants They’re such a gorgeous variety!! -Zebra Haworthia -Haworthia attenuata 'Bones' -Fairy Washboard -Haworthia Savanna #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #Haworthia #ZebraHaworthiopsis #FairyWashboard #SucculentSquad @itsjordan posted 2M ago 9 6 Happy thanksgiving #GregGang 🍁 Took these at my gramma’s house she has lots of house plants and outdoor plants. Her mother of thousands was huge & healthy (pic2). 5. Kermit the Jewel plant has a bloom . 4. My thanksgiving dinner plate 🍽️ I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. Im very thankful foor the food,& plant buddies. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #thanksgivingcactus #ThankfulThursday #PlantAddict #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #NewGrowth #Haworthia #Indoorplants #MotherOfThousands #Succulents #BloomingSuccs @TidyTigerpear posted 2M ago 42 12 Found a small business in my tiny town, and oh yeah— definitely gonna be returning to her because 😳! I got this gorgeous haworthia savanna for $1.50! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #SucculentSquad #Haworthia @itsjordan posted 2M ago 29 4 He did it again. I love him so much!! Four new babies along with my fur baby Pretty Girl. #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #succulentlove #cactusclique #cactus #elephantbush #aloevera #haworthia #mammillaria #petsandplants #petsofgreg @FairyFly posted 2M ago 1 2 I think I have seen this question before but here goes. I am trying to add a new plant. When I take a photo the correct plant is not populating. What can I do? #haworthia rigidas unite #haworthiopsis rigida @Scubamom asked 2M ago 26 6 Getting my plant shelf ready for winter! I’ve got a couole on here already that prefer indirect light. Mostly my Haworthia and a couple other succulents that don’t prefer direct sunglight. This year I will have a desk fan to combat powdery mildew, or fungus knats. AIR CIRCULATION & FLOW are super important when it comes to moving your plants inside (closely together on shelves can reduce airflow, and increase chances of disease.) I have started treating them with my arber fungicide & insecticide so they will be healthy once I bring them all indoors. I’m so nervous about that because they have been doing so well!! Could someone help me identify the succulent in the third photo? I repotted it yesterday, as well as a few other propagations! Also wanted to show off my anacampseros sunrise! Look at how big she is! She’s super heavy so it’s hard for it too stand up straight, so I used some stakes and plant Velcro. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #SucculentSquad #Succulents #succulent #NewGrowth #FreshLeafFriday #FreshFeaturedFriday #PropagationStation #PlantID #identify #GrowLights #PlantShelfie #PlantCorner #Haworthia @TidyTigerpear posted 3M ago 19 5 I know I’ve been posting a lot guys.. but I finally had time to do some plant chores, which in turn means plant pictures for Greg. 😊✌🏻🌱 •these are all my Haworthias, I keep them inside in a window sill that gets some morning light. They seem to do pretty well there. Ever since I started growing succuIents I have loved this species! They are so easy going, low maintenance, tolerant of pretty much anything, & all while having so many unique & eye catching varieties to choose from. Kinda reminds of Crassula (another favorite species of mine for the same reasons). 2. Crowded Haworthia 3. Haworthia ‘mirabilis’ 4. Zebra haworthia 5. Haworthia ‘limifolia’ #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #Haworthia #SucculentLove #SucculentSquad #Succulents #Succulent #SuccerForSucculents #GrowingSuccs #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantShelfie #PlantCorner #PlantLove #GregGang #HaworthiaHangout @TidyTigerpear posted 3M ago 1 2 Can anyone is this plant ? @DollKhakiweed asked 3M ago 26 10 #FreshLeafFriday #FreshFeaturedFriday 🙌🏻 Hope your week was great. My mom surprised me with a bunch of plants as an early birthday gift.. 😊 I don’t have them all pictured yet. just the first two are from her, which are Haworthias. I repotted them today. I also wanted to show how fast my jewel plant is growing (3) . And I also decided to repot to cacti that I had, in smaller pots for now. 🌵 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #SucculentLove #SucculentSquad #Succulents #Succulent #CactusClique #Cacti #Cactus #Haworthia #PlantLove #WeirPlants #PlantTherapy @TidyTigerpear posted 3M ago 20 7 I know that often with succulents, the advice is to look for signs of thirst in the leaves because they’ll wrinkle or change color, and if you’ve been told that but you’re like “what does that even look like!” “I can’t tell if there’s a change!” I like taking visual guides. I have two examples, before and after of my haworthia and Echeveria. I let them get real thirsty, and you can see if you look closely at the haworthia leaves that they’re super concave, the edges curl inward (and although the lighting isn’t the same, she was darker/not as bright colored before getting watered). After watering, she has filled her leaves out a little bit, they’re not as severely dented in, and she’s brighter! The Echeveria is more obvious in that the bottom side of her leaves were getting wrinkly, especially if I pushed on them to encourage the wrinkles to show. No wrinkles after water, only plump goodness! 🙂🌱 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #GrowLights #SucculentSquad #Succulents #Haworthia #Echeveria @itsjordan posted 3M ago 13 1 Bit late in the year but its succulent flower time. My Baby toes and Veined Haworthia have flowered after teasing me with the flower stalks for a couple of weeks. #succulentsquad #floweringplants #greggang #plantsmakepeoplehappy #happyplants #whatthesuccwednesday #haworthia #veinedhaworthia #babytoes #fenestrari #Mesembs @TheLonelyDaff posted 4M ago 3 3 Strange new growth on Haworthia @purplegreen865 asked 4M ago 6 23 Cut or pot? @ScarletMoon asked 5M ago 20 5 I used my #greggivesback code to order from PlanetDesert.com (thanks again to the #gregteam for their recognition and generosity!) They arrived the other day, so thought I'd share my haul with everyone 😻 Clockwise from top: Copper Spoons (Chester Copperpot), Mother of Thousands (Joan Crawford), String of Rubies/Ruby Necklace (Dorothy), Haworthiopsis Concolor (Ringo) and Peperomia Hope (Barack) I had a fantastic experience with Planet Desert! (Fyi @itsjordan) I got five very healthy plants in 4-in pots for around $50 (plus $10 to ship). They were carefully wrapped and packed, and shipping was super fast. If you're considering placing an order with them, you can get 10% off using this link: https:// #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PLANTMAFIA #SucculentSquad #Kalanchoe #HappyPlants #CopperSpoons #MotherOfThousands #RubyNecklace #Haworthia #HaworthiopsisConcolor #Peperomia #PeperomiaHope #GregGang #GregGang @stephonicle posted 5M ago 10 1 open open open open waiting for my first cathedral window haworthia bloom to open. and a second is on the way 😀 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #SucculentSquad #Haworthia @ehery posted 5M ago 3 7 Hey there👋🏻 My Haworthia has a big problem! @Arshida666 asked 5M ago See 20 more posts Learn More About Star Cactus Care 🌻 Annual 🌻 Annual 🌟 Benefits 🏺 Best Pot 🏺 Best Pot 🐞 Bugs 🏠 Care Indoors 🏠 Care Indoors 🏞️ Care Outdoors 🏞️ Care Outdoors 👥 Companion Plants 👥 Companion Plants 🌞 Direct Sunlight 🍽️ Edible 🍽️ Edible 💩 Fertilizing 🌸 Flower 🥀 Flower Problems 💦 How Often to Water 📈 How to Grow 📈 How to Grow 🧑🌾 How to Plant 🧑🌾 How to Plant 💨 Humidity 🏡 Landscaping Ideas 🏡 Landscaping Ideas 🔄 Lifecycle 🌤️ Light Requirements 🌱 Overview 🌳 Perennial 🌳 Perennial 🐝 Pollination 🐝 Pollination 🧪 Propagating ✂️ Pruning 🪴 Repotting 🫚 Roots 🪴 Soil 🌡️ Temperature 🌱 Varieties 🌱 Varieties 🔍 Weeds 🔍 Weeds 🐛 What Eats 🗓️ When to Plant 🗓️ When to Plant 📍 Where to Plant 📍 Where to Plant 🥶 Winter 🥶 Winter