Cacti cultivating! I have just started reading about the Melocactus Bahiensis, from which I have gathered and sowed seeds from last week.👀 Aaand I am hoping I am blessed with a lucky charm for difficult plants (as I had success with the first Calathea I got when I knew nothing).😅 Well. For anyone interested, some of my seeds have indeed started sprouting!👶👶 I am so excited 😄 And also so nervous as all I am reading now is that this cacti is for experienced cacti cultivators. And I have never done this before😂 So wish me luck! And any advice is gratefully received😄🌵 Sorry for bad photo, but I don't want to open the zip-bag they are in😅 If you know they are there you might see one or two green dots (there are 6)🙈💚💚 #cactusclique #cactus #melocactus #cultivatedflax #whatthesuccwednesday #succulentsquad #succulentlove #newgrowth #happyplants #adhdplantlovers