Aglaonema 'Pink Beauty'
About Aglaonema 'Pink Beauty'
Chinese evergreens have been growing in homes throughout Asia for centuries as symbols of good fortune. They were introduced to the Western world in 1885. Their ancestors were cultivated starting in the 1930s and became especially successful in Florida, where most foliage plants are now produced. 🤞
Aglaonema 'Pink Beauty'

How to care for Aglaonema 'Pink Beauty'
How often to water your Aglaonema 'Pink Beauty'

every 7
Aglaonema 'Pink Beauty' needs 0.5 cups of water every 7 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot.
Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.
Water 0.5 cups every
Finding light for Aglaonema 'Pink Beauty' in your home

a window
Aglaonema 'Pink Beauty' can tolerate being far from a window and light source.
Place it less than 6 feet from a south-facing window to ensure it receives enough light to survive 💪.
Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of Aglaonema 'Pink Beauty' in your home 🏡.
How to fertilize Aglaonema 'Pink Beauty'

Most potting soils come with ample nutrients which plants use to produce new growth.
By the time your plant has depleted the nutrients in its soil it’s likely grown enough to need a larger pot anyway.
To replenish this plant's nutrients, repot your Aglaonema 'Pink Beauty' after it doubles in size or once a year—whichever comes first.
What are these holes? #Aglaonema A few of the leaves have these holes with brown edges? Is it some kind of pest?
Fresh leaf Friday! I’ve finally had the chance to start putting together my plant shelves again and giving the babies a well needed tending to after a big house move. Just sharing a couple of fresh leaves some of these gals have been pushing out despite the fact they’ve been without their grow lights now for nearly 4 weeks!! eep! I marvel at their resilience and will to live despite all the recent neglect! 😅😅 #FreshLeafFriday #Aglaonema #ChineseEvergreen #Monstera #zz #PlantAddict #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #ThrivingOnNeglect #badplantparent
Happy #FreshLeafFriday from my #ChineseEvergreen Ferris!! He’s been shooting off new leaves like crazy for the past week, it’s so fun watching him grow! Hope everyone had a wonderful week—I know I’m looking forward to the weekend 😎🪴💚 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #Aglaonema
My Denali is getting crusty brown on the tips and other tips are yellow. I wait till it is dry to water it. What should I do? #Aglaonema
All my Aglaonema Chinese Evergreens are doing very well. My Lady Valentine has such pretty pink variegation, I have to share her pic. #HappyPlants #Aglaonema #ChineseEvergreen
My plant is losing leaves one by one and I can't figure it out. I think I may have overwatered it. Is that what would you expect if you overwatered it? #Aglaonema
The biggest killer of red spam #Aglaonema
#GiftingPlants 😍 I picked up these two beautiful Aglaonemas at Lowe’s garden center this evening. The bigger one, labeled as Crystal Dune Black (?), and the Siam will be gifts for my grandmother who just turned 95 and for my mother in law who also just had a birthday. I love aglaonemas and I just want to share them with everyone. And the Crystal Dune was on the clearance rack for 50% off! 😀 #aglaonema #siam #plantsmakepeoplehappy
Trim these leaves? #Aglaonema I just found this BEAUTY on clearance at my local Lowe's. Should I trim this leaf, or leave it be?
More plant mail! #donttellmyhusbandyoucanmailorderplants this is my second and hopefully final order of the season. I think I got it out of my system. I’m happy with everything, but the variegated strawberry begonia had some cold damage and I ordered the larger option in a 4” pot, and it’s just two 2” plugs stuffed in a 4” pot. I was expecting more of a mature plant. This was from #TheGreenEscape and they shipped this on a Wednesday and it took all that till Tuesday to get here from Florida to Pennsylvania. Hoping this information helps other people who are thinking about making orders this time of year. For me personally, ordering and shipping plants has been a little stressful, and I think I am going to try to do more plant shopping in person at the shops and garden centers, and less by mail order. #PlantMail #VariegatedStrawberryBegonia #SyngoniumMojito #hoyakhronianasupersilver #HoyaKronianaEskimo #Hoya #Syngonium #AglaonemaRedVein #Aglaonema #PlantAddict
Care Summary for Aglaonema 'Pink Beauty'
Aglaonema 'Pink Beauty'
Greg recommends:

0.5 cups every 7 days

< 6ft from a window

Repot after 2x growth
Based on the 4” pot your plant is in, and that it doesn’t get direct sunlight.