
Posted 1Y ago by @roxyvivien

Vibrant succulent colors in the sun! 😍

Moved some of my established succulents back outside this week - and the colors are amazing! 😍

🌞 Yay Sunny weather and days getting longer! πŸŒ„ 🌡

πŸ’œπŸ’™ I love the purple tips on the Jelly Beans! πŸ₯°
#socalgreg #outdoorgrowing #happyplants #succulentsquad #succulentlove #plantaddict #greggang #gregteam #plantsmakepeoplehappy #jellybean #sedum #pachyveria #graptosedum
@Jana85 you inspired me to take some oasis update pics today during "golden hour" πŸ“Έ πŸŒ‡πŸ™‚
So would you say the jelly beans are reaching or is that normal for those? πŸ’œ
@MissBrittney It was getting a tad leggy when it was a young stem propigation (the older growth is a little further apart but still considered healthy for the species) but once it had stronger roots I moved it outside to full sun.

In my experience, Jellybeans always reach for sun, they love tons of sun and will move slightly towards the sun direction each day even when their getting 6 hours a day outside! 😯
@MissBrittney You can see the evolution here - he definitely prefers the outside in full sun.

I don't remember what happened to his twin, I must have given him away to someone after I repotted the arrangement. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ
@roxyvivien I LOVE the photos! Your plants look fabulous, too! I love the concrete bowl planter!
@roxyvivien super beautiful either way! I am still new to the whole succulent world. I’ve always had hens and chicks but I’m now venturing into having a lot. I have a few coming in the mail too from #QueenofSucculents
@roxyvivien you never disappoint! 🫢🏽
@MissBrittney I've ordered form her before - she has some quality plants!

Be sure to make a post, tag #succulentsquad and update us on your #newplants when you get them in! 😊
@Jana85 Thank you! πŸ’™

I'm Obsessed with concrete planters!
This is the same one I have from Amazon:

The unglazed kind dry out even faster Than terracotta and they are more sturdy too, good for outdoor or indoor growing, but I have to bring them inside for summer or I'll be watering them every 3-4 days! 😯 LOL
Thank you! πŸ™πŸ½ @fitsedum I love your Oasis too! πŸ’ž
@roxyvivien I love yours more!