Ensete homblei

How to care for Ensete
How often to water your Ensete

every 9
Ensete needs 0.5 cups of water every 9 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot.
Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants.
Water 0.5 cups every
Finding light for Ensete in your home

a window
Ensete love being close to bright, sunny windows 😎.
Place it less than 1ft from a south-facing window to maximize the potential for growth.
Ensete does not tolerate low-light 🚫.
Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of Ensete in your home 🏡.
How to fertilize Ensete

Most potting soils come with ample nutrients which plants use to produce new growth.
By the time your plant has depleted the nutrients in its soil it’s likely grown enough to need a larger pot anyway.
To replenish this plant's nutrients, repot your Ensete after it doubles in size or once a year—whichever comes first.
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I just inherited an Abyssian Banana The base of the trunk is soft and squishy, and the leaves look very sad. Theyre dry and have a papery texture. Does that mean overwatered? Its been watered every few days for the past few weeks before I brought it home #AbyssinianBanana
Not happy! Help please. Older leaves getting brown spots. Recently repotted with regular potting soil and lava rock lining the very bottom of the pot for drainage. Brand new leaf already getting a dark spot. Soil does not seem to want to dry out. #RedBanana
Repotted in chunkier soil mix with pumice, pine bark and orchid mix, worm castings and charcoal and it’s just going downhill from there. Topped with sphagnum moss. Cut bad leaves off. Forgot to bring it in so it did get a lot of heat and some sun. #RedBanana
My Abyssinian Banana tree is getting some red and yellow leaves I live in the very hot and humid Midwest. My tree has been living on my porch in direct light. It’s been extra hot here and I’m wondering if it’s getting sun burnt?
My Abyssinian banana appeared healthy when I got it but had some pretty significant root rot. I cleaned it up but it is struggling. It's trying to put out new leaves but is unable to open them fully. What can I do to help it? #AbyssinianBanana
Care Summary for Ensete
Greg recommends:

0.5 cups every 9 days

< 1ft from a window

Repot after 2x growth
Based on the 4” pot your plant is in, and that it doesn’t get direct sunlight.