WELCOME TO PLANT MEME MONDAY SEPTEMBER 2nd 2024 MAIN COURSE #plantmememonday #seymour Hope you have your best plant memes ready (or stolen somebody else's LOL). Here's the main course …as always click on the photo to see the full joke! 😀 🤣😅😂 As always viewer discretion is advised, particularly if they are funny memes or even not so funny and even glitchy so you may need to scroll down to find all the new memes on the Group site. 😉😱😂🤣😅 So we are STILL growing and just reached over 170 Members and STILL aiming to add more members ! So let’s celebrate with some classics 😂 😂 😂 If you click on the hash tag #plantmememonday it takes you to the group page and then there is a “join” button on the top right hand side, click it until it says “joined” and you will get notified of future posts that used that hashtag #plantmememonday #seymour #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #plantmafia #greggang #happyplants #plantjokes #theamigos #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #Seymour #theamigos #PlantTherapy