
Posted 11M ago by @pachyfaeria

My new graptopetalum murasaki. Easily my favorite succule...

My new graptopetalum murasaki. Easily my favorite succulent! Idk what it is about it but I love them so much. This one arrived nice and chubby in a 4” pot from QueenOfSucculents on Etsy!

#HappyPlants #WhatTheSuccWednesday #SucculentSquad #Succulents #SucculentLove #Graptopetalum
4ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 months ago
Best Answer
And I must say, you have quite a knack for caring for these guys!! Wow!! Your oasis is absolutely stunning…like little glimpses of heaven all over your home!! How fantastic!! Just the fact that almost none of the farina seem to be missing from ANY of your babies…I don’t know how you do it! They are all so beautiful🀯😍 Thank you so much for sharing all of them…trulyπŸ™πŸΌ
Wow! I love her!! So beautiful and healthy!! 🫢🏻 one more name to add to my β€œsucculents needed” list!! Thanks for sharing! πŸ™πŸΌ
@PioneerRutabaga that means a lot to me because I’ve always struggled with plants before getting succulents. I’ve had a couple unfortunate losses but doing my best! πŸ˜‚
@pachyfaeria well your best is…amazing!! Keep doin what your doin!!
@pachyfaeria what a beauty!! Are they a hair lighter than the superbum?
Sigh, every time I open this app I find a new succulent that I need… gorgeous succulent! 🀧🫢
@PoniesAndPlants this is my 2nd murasaki and both are lighter than my superbum. I feel like my murasakis are more of a pink while my superbum is more of a lavender purple.
I just got that one too (last week) from the same seller. I πŸ’œ her!
@pachyfaeria I look at your oasis and I want one of everything. We have a couple in common but you have an eye for rare & exquisite! I vacillate between my β€œmimicry” and echeveria as special favorites..,and your very very distinctive echies are mind blowing. But your graptos and moonstones…I need moonstones in my life
@PoniesAndPlants graptos are definitely my favorites 😍 I just love the pinks and purples
My murasaki hates me !!! 😫😫 I’ve had two and I have one left that I have somehow managed to keep alive but it just can’t seem to grow more then a couple leaves without dropping them. I think I should repot it, and change he some things hopefully that will make it more happy πŸ˜«πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ™ƒ
@TidyTigerpear I have the same problem with superbum!!
@TidyTigerpear aww noo!! I’m having the same issue with my pachyphytum oviferums. They seem to hate me as well so I feel your pain. πŸ˜‚