What other plant parents say
4.8 out of 5
This is a fantastic starter plant! So easy to maintain and so beautiful to watch grow. Mine can put out 4 leaves in a week under high humidity, warmth and the right light. I feed her once a fortnight for bigger foliage growth (size and amount) with a watered down all rounder synthetic mix.
Careful with grow lights! These plants are climbers coming off the Forrest floor and are able to thrive on the lower end of the spectrum. Grow lights will speed up leaf output, however they are prone to crispy leaves and brown spots under too much light. Humidity is definitely your friend with this cheesy wonder.
This plant and I have had our fair share of fights but she always comes around with a new leaf. This kind of plant definitely does better with a pole to grow up but does okay without one. I currently keep this one in high humidity ~80% and around 6” away from grow lights and it’s doing well. I also add a layer about an inch deep of spagnum moss on top of the soil to keep it a little more humid
I bought mine off Etsy in winter and it was delayed so it came with some cold damage. Despite below freezing temperatures, she’s made a wonderful comeback and has one brand new leaf with another starting to unfurl. Very easy to grow and propping just involves nodes and water.
Really dont know how to care for this plant. Thought it would be easier than the deliciosa but its not. This is my second plant. The first one died due to overwatering. Hope with the assistance of Greg the overwatering issue will be addressed. Will give it a 5 star rating if this one gives me big lush leaves.