What other plant parents say

4.9 out of 5

My plant was beautiful, it was starting to trail and then I overwatered it and almost all of the leaves fell off. From overwatering her I went to the other extreme and under-watered her and she was nearly dying. I gave her a soak through shower placed her in front of the window and she came back to life. She is hanging on no new growth yet but I’m just glad she made it through my mess ups.

Pothos are just such rewarding plants. I’ve had to troubleshot a couple issues with this one - light was too low and it just looked sad - but that was easy to remedy. I was also underwatering at one point but again, easy to remedy. Pothos will give you a heads up when they need a little more (or less) care as long as you’re paying attention to its leaves. I have this plant on top of my bookshelf and it trails down beautifully. Every time I check, there’s a new leaf.