Butterwort Weser Butterwort Grow light North 1.97" pot Drainage Plastic Peat Indoor Near humidifier View @zombiehetty's Oasis #Pinguicula Discussion Hey, i would like to ask is it necessary to put the butterwort Pinguicula "Wesser" in dormancy in winter or not? Cannot keep this plant alive 😥 Wait is it actually a flower? My butterwort is going to bloom but it's winter so i don't think it's normal My Pinguicula Johanna has caught what I believe is a mosquito 🦟 and has also had lots of growth #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #Pinguicula #cpclubthursday #GrowLights #Greenhouse #Butterwort #ping Propagating progress My ping seems happy but is no longer pink like when I got it. Why are the leaves curling? My butterwort was going to bloom but the stem of the bud has turned yellow and stopped growing i think it's because of the cold #cpclubthursday #seymour #cpclub #Butterwort #pinguiculaweser #carnivorousplants I wonder if I should be worried. How's the rock doing? The color change AND growth on Peaches (and her little buddy), my only Pings, is crazy. I moved them inside for the winter and put them under a grow light. They grew tremendously but lost their pretty pink hue. I think I'll repot them separately when it warms up, before I put them back outside. #pinguicula #carnivorousplants #butterwort #carnivorousclub #cpclubthursday #jesssjungle #happyplants #growlights #newgrowth Similar Plants in the Community Luna Gates Einstein