Purple Palida

Purple Heart

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
sunlight-hours 6+ hrs light
window-orientation North
4.0" pot
pot-drainage No drainage
pot-type Metal
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor
near-ac Near A/C unit

#PurpleHeart Discussion

It has sprouted so much since I moved it. 2nd photo was when I first got it 1st is now

Hey gang, I need some help please #PurpleHeart #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict So I added this πŸ’œ to my collection based on a post from another member. Her’s was beautiful and the color was great so I adopted mine in Aug 2024. I’m sharing photos of what it looked like when I got it, what it looked like a month ago and what it looks like now. Should I chop and prop or put it in hanging basket and just let it do its thing. If you recommend propagating would you suggest soil or water? #PropagationStation

Bottom leaves drying out

Doja cat hit a bit of a decline when she fell over but she's coming back slowly but surly #purpleheart #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy

#purpleheart Good morning/afternoon 🌏 My planty friends πŸ’š just sharing my cutting "Luna 2" πŸ˜‚ she's off my Massive bush like growing "Luna1" Thees grow rapid I just love the dinky lil purple πŸ’œ flowers 😍 #floweringplants

My big girl "Luna" πŸ’œ has been moved to the bedroom I hope she doesn't get upset She's been sat in a window all year Maybe get a grow light if she looks sad Check her lovely flowers out πŸ˜ƒπŸ’Ÿ #purpleheart #floweringplants #happyplants

#purpleheart #floweringplants I've just potted a cutting off the mother plant πŸ˜ƒWhich has grown rapidly since April (mother plant) So meet luna 2 after her mama Big luna πŸ’œπŸͺ΄

purple heart (?) propagation rescue

Can I chop my purple heart down it's getting Top heavy and is ready to topple over It sits on a window behind my head I don't want it falling 1 day It's grown so well as a tiny cutting earlier in the year #purpleheart

Any tips on propagation?