Office Blushing Bride

Tradescantia Blushing Bride

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
grow-light Grow light
sunlight-hours 3-6 hrs light
window-orientation North
6.0" pot
pot-drainage No drainage
pot-type Stone
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor
near-ac Near A/C unit

#TradescantiaBlushingBride Discussion

this gifted blushing bride is not happy :(

Missing 🚨🚨 UPDATE IN COMMENTS FOUND 🀣 I was so excited to be all caught up from weeks of trying to!! My last plant to water was my tradescantia Blushing Bride so I clicked watered and went to water her. She’s missing! I have spent the last 15 min looking!! I did just trim her so I figured I didn’t put her back. Welp! No clue where she went πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ Ever β€œlost” a plant? 😬😫 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #GregGang #TradescantiaBlushingBride #TradescantiaTroupe

#plantmail #plantsmakepeoplehappy #goldfishplant #tradescantiablushingbride #tradescantiapinkstripe I love plant mail πŸ’Œ. I also stopped at Home Depot and picked up a 7" pot of Marble Queen for $5 😍, a waffle plant, and a Xanthosoma Magnific?? πŸ€” And supplies to do a DIY moss pole for my Syngonium to hopefully be able to climb someday. 🀞 A tough work week makes for all kinds of excuses to buy stuff. 🀣

It has sprouted so much since I moved it. 2nd photo was when I first got it 1st is now

#beforeandafter #greggivesback #giveaway #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth Started out with two little cuttings from Etsy, 2 to 3 leaves on each. I put them in a prop tube with Pothos for what seemed like months. They've finally caught on and had good growth, and the blushing bride colors are starting to show. The card is when I finally potted her on Oct 27th. Before that I wasn't sure it was going to live, so I didn't want to put her in my Oasis. And the pic is this past weekend. I can't wait to see more of that pretty pink. Don't give up!....Some of these plants are just slow to develop.

What do I use to fertilize

I’m having Moses drama again πŸ˜… I just watered him about 20 minutes ago, but suspected that there was root rot as a few more of the leaves are starting to brown. Many people suggested that it’s still a healthy plant as it’s growing new leaves and that this could just be part of a regeneration cycle, but I wanted to get a good look at the root to rule it out. I attached a photo of the roots after I dusted off the dirt, can anyone let me know if these roots are healthy or not? Greg says the roots should be white and firm, there’s definitely no white roots here. πŸ˜… & when I do re-plant (if it’s healthy enough), where on my tape measure should the dirt stop? #mosesinthecradle

Hey gang, I need some help please #PurpleHeart #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict So I added this πŸ’œ to my collection based on a post from another member. Her’s was beautiful and the color was great so I adopted mine in Aug 2024. I’m sharing photos of what it looked like when I got it, what it looked like a month ago and what it looks like now. Should I chop and prop or put it in hanging basket and just let it do its thing. If you recommend propagating would you suggest soil or water? #PropagationStation

i just got this

My tradescantia hasn’t been doing too good due to neglect on my part. I have been going through a bit of a depression burnout lately and have been struggling with keeping up with a few of my plants. I trimmed off all the dead stuff and replanted all the vines then gave the pot a good water. I know it could use a shallow pot but I don’t have one at the moment so plain old terracotta pot will have to do for now. #PlantAddict #Neglected #Oof #MyBad #TradescantiaZebrina