N’joy pothos Pothos N' Joy 1.6ft to light 3.0" pot No drainage Regular View Michaela 's Oasis #PothosNJoy Discussion Im having such a hard time id'ing this plant ... it keeps going between pothos njoy which i know its not and vining peperomia. Helpp 🥺🥺🥺🥺 Does anyone know what these odd looking patches are on my pothos? What should i do? Took some clippings from a work plant 🤫 excited to see if this takes off. Feat: one of my kitties! ❤️ Should I be worried? How can i help her? #Pothos #PothosNJoy #PothosPack #help NEW PLANT NEW PLANT NEW PLANT!!! I’ve wanted an N’Joy ever since i was informed of their existence—they’re so gorgeous!! I’m hoping she’ll grow big and tall so i can transfer her to a hanging pot (my plan was to get one to hang near my window, but the nursery only had small ones, so I guess i just have to be patient!) I’m so excited about this new addition to the plant family!! 💚🪴💚🪴 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantTherapy #PlantHaul #PothosPack #Pothos #PothosNJoy Brown spots What type of fertilizer I can use for my Pothos N joy? I just repotted my girl into coconut hanger and hung in my shower about 4 days ago? Thoughts, comments, input? Yellowing Leaves Mushroom?? Well this is new lol I use a bottom feeder pot for this plant, which sits in my sunny window on and off (I move her around every day). Do I need to get it off?? Can I keep it?? Lol #HappyPlants #mushrooms #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth Similar Plants in the Community Joy Clarabelle Ed Rainier Learn more about Pothos N' Joy 🌟 Benefits 🍂 Black Spots on Leaves 🍂 Brown Spots on Leaves 🐞 Bugs 🌞 Direct Sunlight 💩 Fertilizing 🌸 Flower 💦 How Often to Water 💨 Humidity 🍃 Leaves Curling 🍃 Leaves Drooping 🍃 Leaves Dropping 🍃 Leaves Falling Over 🍂 Leaves Mushy 🌤️ Light Requirements 🌱 Overview 🤔 Problems 🧪 Propagating ✂️ Pruning 🪴 Repotting 🤒 Root Rot 🪴 Soil 🌡️ Temperature 😸 Toxicity to Cats 🐶 Toxicity to Dogs 👶 Toxicity to Humans 🍂 Yellow Leaves