Abels work plany

String of Buttons

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
window-distance 1.6ft to light
4.0" pot
pot-drainage No drainage
soil-type Regular

#Crassula Discussion

Hello I have a cat and it says that this plant is toxic to pets can anyone help ? Do you have pets too with this plant?

Why are the leaves alittle soft?

Da Vinci is one of my first babies he’s grown but not a lot wondering what will help with his growth process? #PlantAddict #SucculentLove #PlantLove

One of my first plants has just started sprouting babies and omg !!! I’ve been really happy seeing my plants grow but this is next level ☺️ #NewGrowth

911!!! I’m hoping to get some help, lol. I’m leaving tomorrow to go to the beach for a few days & was watering, checking for crittersπŸ˜’ and doing some general maintenance on my babes.. I’ve had this #StringOfButtons for about 2 years.. it outgrew the 1st pot pretty quickly & then I moved it to a terracotta just a little bigger & it has been thriving… it’s been a while since I took it out to f the window to look at it really good & I wish I would have done it sooner! This is my fav succulent & I 𝑡𝑬𝑬𝑫 to save it😭 This is all from one plant. The β€œroot balls” are literally smaller than a dime! How can I salvage as much as possible? #stringsofthings #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #StringOfButtons #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #planttherapysucculentlove #PlantTherapy #whatsgoingonhere

I have this string of buttons that looks a little… long. The bottom of the stem is woody, but it gets green toward the top. Would you cut this and replant it? Or just let it continue its long stretch of weird looking leaves? Lol. Any advice on how you would proceed with this plant would be great. Thanks! #StringOfButtons #SucculentSquad #succulentsunday

The bottom is browning, is this a sign of needing more water?

Moldy buttons. I was sent this plant as a gift and some of the buttons near the soil were moldy. I’ve removed them, anything else I can do?


Was thriving but now...