
Council Tree

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
window-distance 1.6ft to light
6.0" pot
pot-drainage No drainage
soil-type Regular

#Ficus Discussion

Greg the ficus πŸ₯Ή why! #scale & #RootRot 🫣πŸ₯ΉπŸ˜­ hahaha I’m always out of hydrogen peroxide now! Do they sell it in gallon sizes? Anyone know?🀩πŸ₯³ pics of Greg’s chop & disease for reference!🀷 we treated scale w/ isopropyl alcohol diluted in water (I did 3 water to 1 alcohol. I’m so sick of this scale). Did hydrogen peroxide and a thorough root chop (3 parts water to 1 part hydrogen & soak 5 minutes). Now we will #kikipaste this sucker and call it a wrap for the ficus babies!! See you in a min with the great Alo news 🀩✨🌱

Browning on Council Tree (Ficus Altissima)

SOS - My Yellow Gel Ficus is trying to tell me she’s sad but I can’t figure out why. She has been the most unproblematic plant so I’m worried! I thought it was sunburn at first but I’ve since moved her and she doesn’t get any direct sunlight. The older leaves have the worst symptoms, the last pic shows a newer leaf. However she’s also growing new healthy leaves. Does anyone have any wisdom about this?! #Ficus

Hi everyone, just curious when I should start watering my ficus altissima yellow gem less often? I live in Vancouver BC, Canada and I water every 5 days because my plant is close to a heater. It’s doing well #Ficus #Council Tree

Why is Marley’s leaves curling? & where did that whole come from? #newplantmom #ficus #counciltree

My council tree has a disease. It is turning brown and has white specks in the back of leaves. Help!?

Suddenly, quickly losing all leaves

Change in leaves

Brown spots on my Council Tree

I renamed her to Hope after I scorched her. Propped the top and crossed my fingers! The original has a new start, thank goodness! #counciltree #propagationstation #plantsmakepeoplehappy