Watch Chain

Watch Chain

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
grow-light Grow light
sunlight-hours 6+ hrs light
2.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Succulent
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Crassula Discussion

White powdery cotton….

I need help please. I went to water my plant today and she fell over. She’s about 4 inches tall and was propped up with a stick. There are no roots. What do I do with her?

Crassula shark tooth red pagoda, just received yesterday in a 2”plastic pot. I’ve been asking the person that I bought it from that I am new at this & to please tell me what do I have to do to it? I am leaving Saturday dec 28 until Jan 5, 2025.

Her leaves are starting to soften dog up and fall off- what am I doing wrong? This was given to me from a friend and I cannot let it die on me πŸ˜…

Happy New Year's Eve everyone! This time of year has always held a peculiar bittersweetness and melancholy for me. Ever since I started getting into plants, I've found that the melancholy is significantly less than usual. The days are short but they're getting progressively longer. Some of the plants have new growth, a small promise that spring is right around the corner. This year I'm undertaking a little personal project: I'm going to try to photograph all of my plants' growth throughout the year, documenting them on the equinoxes and solstices. I'm super excited to see how much they grow; for now, enjoy some of the pics I took yesterday. #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #plantmafia #happyplants #newgrowth #succulentlove #succulentsquad #succulents #succerforsucculents #echeveria #longerdaysarecoming #crassula #jade

Hello, 😊 I have my plant for 5 years now but since 1 month she looses her leaves. Also she has brown dots that appears. I don't know what to do... please save her 🌿 I love my plant ! #crassula #jade #help #brown

Why are the leaves alittle soft?

My Jade is so large and overgrown. Can I shape it w/o killing it?

Soil mix for Jade props?

My plant grew these weird roots on one of the stalks. I was underwatering it for a while, when I finally learned to water properly the other stalks recovered but this one didn't. Any ideas what to do with it?