
Ficus 'Ruby'

5.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Peat
outdoor-plant Indoor
near-humidifier Near humidifier

#Ficus Discussion

Anyone know why the leaves on my Ficus are doing this? After watering, it is fully drained so no sitting water and it doesn’t sit in direct sunlight.

Can I save this?

Repotted my Ruby and she started looking more sad than before. Anyone tried leca on a larger ficus? I’ve only seen it on small or props.

My #FicusRuby Genevieve, who I got from the Missouri Botanical Gardens gift shop. Her new leaf is freaking STUNNING. I was walking by and I literally gasped when I saw it. I must admit, I hadn't been paying much attention to her, I repotted her last week though, and her leaf was not THIS red/pink! :o #ficus #ficusgang #ficusfam #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #planttherapy #plantlove #greggang #plantmafia #theamigos #jesssjungle

Leaf issues

Is this pot too small for my ruby? Just got it a few weeks ago from a local grocery store, wondering if I should repot? #FicusRuby #FicusFam #repotting #Ficus #FicusFamily #NewPlantMom #NewPlants #NewPlant #questions

Any tips how to keep her leaves coming out big? Since I got her, she’s giving me two new leaves, but they are getting smaller it seems. οΏΌ #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth

#freshleaffriday #plantsmakepeoplehappy #newgrowth Love the different colors she has.

Ok guys I need HELP!! I have no idea what’s going on with my Ficus β€˜Ruby’ for some strange reason the leaves are starting to droop. These has been what it’s looked like the last 2 days.. #Ficus

Happy Saturday! Any tips for this beauty?