
Philodendron mexicanum

grow-light Grow light
window-distance 23.0ft to light
window-orientation East
1.97" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Philodendron Discussion

Can’t get plant mail? Go to the plant store πŸ˜‚ My haul today. Philodendron snow drift, Anthurium Veitchii and Anthurium Crystallinum x Magnificum. My first Anthuriums. #Philodendron #PhiloFlock #Anthurium #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict

Is she beyond saving?

I can’t get over how pretty this leaf is. I swear I could just sit and examine my plants all day. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PlantMoms #Philodendron #GregGang #ADHDPLANTLOVERS

Over watered rojo congo

Had this one a while and the smorgasbord of colors/hues always makes me happy - philodendron strawberry shake #HappyPlants #Philodendron

New plant having issues

Is this a Gloriosum? Because it sure doesn’t look like one to me. It has hardly grown at all since I’ve gotten it. It’s a foot from a grow light in chunky soil.

The play of light on my Silver Sword Philodendron's leaf right now is *mesmerizing*! Part of it is the grow light above, but I'm not sure what else is happening to make all those colors!! 🌈 The first (was supposed to be last but you know how Greg be 🀭) photo is of another leaf that didn't get the rainbow treatment. #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #silverswordphilodendron #philodendron #philoflock #planttherapy #growlights #greggang #plantmafia #theamigos #jesssjungle

Pretty variegation on my #NeonPothos, my work #Amaryllis is growing like a weed, the newest leaves on my baby #ThaiConstellationMonstera, #Philodendron Ring of Fire, and baby #PinkPrincessPhilodendron πŸ’•πŸͺ΄πŸŒΏπŸ€— #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #NewGrowth #PlantAddict #variegatedplants #variegatappreciation #babevila #PhiloFlock #MonsteraMob #FreshLeafFriday #StripedTubedAmaryllis

Rescuing my Brasil