Peru Monstera Peru Grow light 23.0ft to light East 3.94" pot Drainage Plastic Regular Indoor View @snowwhites's Oasis #Community Discussion What is this and how do I get rid of it? Help, please?! #MonsteraPeru I love all my plants equally, but my Monstera Peru is definitely the star of the show right now! This new leaf and growth have grown so fast! Does anyone have any advice in regards to moss poles and when I should add one? #NewGrowth #NewPlantMom #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #freshleaffriday What would cause this plant to have yellow leaves? Hello, I am starting my plant journey.  I live in an apartment any tips as in where I should place, my plants, bedroom living room? In front of window ? Any tips for this new Mom would be appreciated  #monsteraperu Why are the leaves getting smaller? I'm so proud of my Monstera peru. I love the texture on her leaves and just looking at her. Just wanted to gush. One of my favorites! Leaf is yellowing! Similar Plants in the Community Monstera Frank Daphne Peru