Jungle boogie large

Philodendron Jungle Boogie

pot-drainage No drainage
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#Community Discussion

I thought Birkin was not a vining philodendron, but mine seems to want to vine. I would like it to grow straight with fullness at the bottom, but am nervous about pruning it. Would love any recommendations

What can I do? My leaves are getting yellow.

Finally decided to add some moss poles to some pots … wish me luck. I can’t wait to see these babies grow

It's flowering?!

Pink Princess Philodendron care tips?! πŸͺ΄πŸͺ΄

Omg omg omggggg My darling..my Boogie Oogie... my gaze hath fallen upon your beauty and what is this! Tis doth a bloom you flaunt!?!? For real though .. never in a bazillion decades did I ever think I would have any kind of plant bloom that wasn't a succulent, already a flower, fruit or veggies... I'm freaking out. Lmao trying to play it cool and be like yea that's cool whatever and not "excessively over love" him so it will actually flower .. this is so rad... #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #newgrowth #planttherapy #blooms #philodendron #krunchytime #DoingMyHappyDance #CantBreathe #IsThisReal #AmIGoingCrazy #HereComesTheBLOOM #AreYouReadyOrNot #ImFreakingOut #IdiditIdiditIdidIt #IBetterNotFudgeThisUp

New plant! #Philodendron

What philodendron is this?

New plant having issues

The play of light on my Silver Sword Philodendron's leaf right now is *mesmerizing*! Part of it is the grow light above, but I'm not sure what else is happening to make all those colors!! 🌈 The first (was supposed to be last but you know how Greg be 🀭) photo is of another leaf that didn't get the rainbow treatment. #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #silverswordphilodendron #philodendron #philoflock #planttherapy #growlights #greggang #plantmafia #theamigos #jesssjungle