Black velvet

Black Velvet Alocasia

window-distance 7.4ft to light
window-orientation East
2.95" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#BlackVelvetAlocasia Discussion

Should I let the spathes bloom or chop?

First new leaf on Oscar since chopping him back πŸ₯ΉπŸͺ΄πŸ’– #FreshLeafFriday #NewGrowth

Wait a minute….who are you.. I was doing my routine pest prevention Sweep and stumbled upon this little guy sticking out? Is that a flower or a corn? What is that? #NewGrowth #PestControl #AlocasiaAddicts #Alocasia

My new Alocasia is growing so fast already 😍 #BlackVelvetAlocasia

She’s suddenly very droopy and her leaves are curling up. I’ve been watering her once a week but the curling leaves made me think she wanted more water but I don’t think that’s doing the trick. Any tips or suggestions?

Should I repot?

One new and another dies?

My #BlackVelvetAlocasia babies are doing so well πŸ€—πŸŒ± I can’t wait to sprout more corms from my alocasia collection. Propagating is so fun and satisfying πŸ˜†πŸŒΏπŸ’– #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PropagationStation #NewGrowth #AlocasiaAddicts #Alocasia #Propagation #PropDontShop #babevila #GregGang

I am concern. Some leaves are crispy and curled some of the leaves are soft. One of the bigger leaves is beginning to yellow, rescued this from a grocery store. it's been with me for 2 days. I don't know what crispy leaves that are curling means.

RIP, Maybe Phoenix Vibes So this gal was a rescue, 6in pot, 30%, mealy bugs, some disease, over waterwd you name it. Figured I take on the challenge. Also she gave me 8 corms with he last ditch energy. Got over the mealies, let that sucker dry out good repotted to the same size. Then she took a turn for the worst. Leaves yellowing, browning, suspected the rot. πŸ’― Confirmed, she was left with some little strings and a mushy top. It seems like she may got it in her still, I'm going to make a semi Chucky mix, downgrade the pot and give that humid good good and let's see if she will bounce back yet again. Wish us luck!! #newgrowth #rootrot #alocasiaaddicts #alocasia #plantsmakepeoplehappy #notsohappyplants