
Anthurium warocqueanum

window-distance 3.3ft to light
window-orientation East
5.91" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Perlite
outdoor-plant Indoor
near-humidifier Near humidifier

#Anthurium Discussion

Tips of some leaves are turning brown. What to do about that?

Managed to snag this little one from Mundiflora from a plant fair last weekend. My first anthurium and hope I don't kill it πŸ˜‚

What’s wrong with her πŸ₯Ί

Meet Adya, my baby queen anthurium that’s just gave me her third leaf and has doubled in size overnight! I’ve had her for 6 months and she would not grow until I finally figured out her specific care requirements. I’m so happy with this new leaf and have named her based on her journey and appearance. Adya means First power, Unparalleled, Great, Beyond perception, Goddess Durga because she’s been a fighter (scale when I got her, stunted growth but look at her now! Giving me beautiful foliage and thriving! ) 😍 #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #warocqueanumgang #NewPlantIntro

help me what am I doing wrong 😭😭

I missed #FreshLeafFriday . Here’s a new leaf my #QueenAnthurium #AnthuriumWarocqueanum just sprouted while I was away. #HappyPlants #Anthurium #PlantAddict

Hi #GregGang! Today in #CarolinesWinterGarden , we are saying goodbye to Adeya our very first #QueenAnthurium! Her backstory: I purchased her from someone, not a nursery, and she made me fall in love with all Anthuriums. 😁 In her time with me, she went through moments of beautiful growth and torturous leaf loss, multiple times. I quickly understood that she was sickly. No matter what I tried, she would lose foliage and was unable to hold on to any very long. I’m not sure how old she was but she seemed to be an apartment sized plant (the Esmeralda) and not the larger queen. It didn’t matter. She was still loved and will always be loved for teaching us about Anthurium care. We learned a lot! πŸ˜… Well, she’s been slowly dying back and while I’ve waited for her to decide whether she wants to go or stay, I’ve kept a watchful eye; today, it’s apparent she’s too tired and has decided to go. 😐 We aren’t upset since she’s given us so much knowledge and shared her beauty with many as well as inspired many to consider welcoming Anthurium into their home. We’ve enjoyed her presence and the fuss she brought to our lives. It’s been good and we hope to find another Queen that will sit in her place and live a long life amongst the original Adeya’s mini kingdom. Cheers to Adeya 1, our first queen! πŸ₯‚You will be missed! 🌿 #Fitsedum #PlantAddict #SanAntonioGregGang #TexasGregGang #CentralTexasGang #AnthuriumQueen

Queenie grew a new root πŸ™πŸ» after 2 weeks of submerging her in water due to some bacterial root rot

Yellowing leaves

And another one…