
Spider Plant

window-distance 0.5ft to light
pot-drainage No drainage
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor

#SpiderPlant Discussion

Is it rootbound? πŸ€”πŸ˜… #rootporn #rootbound #spiderplant

I am so excited!!! I will be growing my first spider plant from seed!! Oh my heck!! My own spider plant seed that grew from Walt himself. Incredible!!🀩πŸ₯³πŸ₯ΉπŸ˜­πŸŒ± I have 2 seeds and I hope one of them germinates 😁✨ #HappyPlants #SpiderPlant #SpiderPlantBabies #PlantAddict

The difference of 6 months πŸ’š 7 babies and bigger than ever πŸ₯² love my Audrey 2 #HappyPlants #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SpiderPlant #BeforeAndAfter

Repot spider plant

Hy my plant would like some fam

Moonstone munched on my spider plant πŸ’€

Repotted Spider plant! If you guys looked at my previous post, you would know that it was about my spider plant. She used to be in a closed terrarium with a Persian shield and a Fittonia ( or more commonly known as a Nerve plant) she wasn't doing so well, and had yellow and brown leaves. Beacause of the answers to my question, which I am super thankful for, I repotted her into her own pot. She seems to be doing really well, even though I only repotted her a couple days ago. Hope she's going to be able to spred her leaves out more and thrive! ❀️ here are some pics... There are also some pictures of my happy Persian shield and Fittonia! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #PlantTherapy #repotted #RepotSeason #NewPlantMom #PlantCorner #PlantShelfie #BeforeAndAfter #PlantLove #BuyandSell # #PlantSwap

Help me! My spider plant is yellowing!

I bought a spider plant about a month ago and it was kind of like this when I got it. Lots of brown areas. I split it in the two separate pots because it seemed very overgrown. How do I help it? οΏΌ

What’s wrong with my once gorgeous spider plant?