
Posted 2M ago by @Akali

Sudden Yellow Leaf?

I noticed today that a single leaf on my Philodendron Brasil has turned completely yellow. It has to have happened extremely suddenly, like within the last day. All other leaves look the same, except for the leaf below which is half yellowed.

I doubt it's a sunlight issue since other leaves which receive less sunlight are unaffected. It may be a watering issue since I missed a watering by about 5 days (it was watered after about 12 days rather than the usual 7), but then I'm not sure why it would be isolated to this one leaf, and the plant wasn't particularly droopy before. Does anyone have insight on if I should be concerned or am I overreacting at the first sign of danger?
2ft to light, indirect
4” pot without drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
I don't really know what to say for Philodendron, but recently I lost one of my bamboo because I watered it a day late.
So I have the same Philodendron and she will do that when they start to get thirsty. What happens is the plant to remain alive will start to absorve nutrients from the leaves. It’s nothing to worry, I think, if you already started to water the plant. Good luck and happy planting.
yellowing happens. Usually when one of the following conditons is met: 1. a leaf is old or not longer getting light 2. the plant has root rot (not the case here) 3. the plant is underwatered 4. the plant is overwatered 5. the plant is lacking a nutrient (needs fertilizer)
Your baby will be fine since the problem is probably caused by underwatering in this case and you already watered her. Simply prune the leaf and try to water on time next time πŸ‘
That happened to mine too once! It is common, could just be from skipping its watering but also happens when it’s dropping old leaves that dont get much light in order to expend more energy making new leaves. I’d say water it and it should be all good. Your plant seems healthy otherwise!