
Posted 4w ago by @SirStretchberry

Why is the new leaf of my rubber plant yellow? The rest a...

I have been watering it only when the soil gets dry - any idea what’s up? #RubberPlant #Indoorplants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants
0ft to light, indirect
Last watered 2 months ago
Best Answer
I'm pretty sure this is normal and a sign of healthy growth. New leaves on my heart leaf philodendron come out orange and turn dark green as they get older. I'd say keep doing what you're doing :)
Note: it has put on some excellent growth in just a month with two new leafs ! one is normal and green and the other is this
Yep totally normal they darken with age! It looks healthy! πŸ’•
Hey! I believe this is a burgundy ficus! This is totally normal! As the new leaf emerges, it starts out this beautiful orange hue but as it matures the leaf eventually hardens & turns into that beautiful burgundy color! Congrats on the #NewGrowth btw… such a pretty ficus 🀩
I have this same plant and my new leaves start that color too
Thank you so much all!
@elisenavidad thank you so much! this is a propagation I did from her parent in the photo
@SirStretchberry oh wow, that’s impressive! They’re both beautiful 🀀
@elisenavidad Thank you! My third one is on her way :’)