
Posted 4M ago by @EnormousRedlion

Soft n flopping

This one β€˜branch’ slowly started flopping over n seems soft. I don’t have a green thumb, I have a black thumb n am trying my best to keep a few plants alive. I would appreciate any suggestions.
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 months ago
Best Answer
Terra cotta is great! My cacti are in terra cotta you want no more than 1 inch around of space around the roots, so it depends more on how big the root system is.
Sounds like too much water πŸ’¦. The soil you have her is does not look like it will drain and dry out fast enough. If you buy a bag of cactus soil you can use that or add perlite and sand for example I use
1 part soil (any kind)
1 part pumice
1 part coarse sand

Perlite is your friend in the plant world I use it in all of my plants. You can get by with what you have already in your pot but add perlite about 50% at least of your pot should have some kind of aeration. It will drain well and give you plenty of aeration + perlite is cheap so it’s great! It’s about 5 bucks a bag. πŸŒΏπŸ’•

If you stick your finger in the pot and it is wet you can even take it out since it’s a cactus and let it dry for a couple days. But you definitely don’t want it sitting in wet soil it will die.
Thank you for that. The soil does feel dry but maybe it’s not draining as well as I thought. I will take care of that in the morning. I see that I should be using a terracotta pot as well. The plant is about 12” tall how big should the pot be? I am very grateful for your help
No worries, and your welcome πŸ’•
And, Sylvia, you don’t have a black thumb, you have a green thumb that is growing and learning! The plants you have now are alive and growing because of your care for them. The fact that you are searching for answers proves you do more for them than most and I’m sure they appreciate you. 😊 take good care of your green thumb, it will bring you satisfaction and reward in the process!
Thank you so much Sue, I appreciate the kind words and encouragement πŸ€—
You made my day😻
I’m so happy to hear that. I hope you have a wonderful day & week to come. πŸ™
You tooπŸ™πŸΌ