
Posted 1M ago by @shyoop

is it normal for my leaves to fall like this? it had lots...

1ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Probably needs more light and possibly humidity
Mine likes to lose those bottoms some too in winter. It’s hard for them to get enough
Rotating will help
Have you checked for spider mites? Not because I see any. But those do kinda attract them I think. Not bad but they do get em more often than a lot of plants do.
Any plants that like to be on the dry side attract them more realky.
Lower leaf loss occurs naturally as the FLF grows. Common causes of a lot of leaves falling off is watering. Either underwatering or overwatering can cause more than the normal amount to come off. Are they brown and crispy? Maybe not enough water and too much light ? If the leaves are limp or mushy at all, it could be too much water. Has sun light or window location changed in the last couple of weeks? They can be dramatic about changes to light, temperature and humidity changes.
@TheConservator what do spider mites look like 😭 how do i know if i have them
@MariansOasis i water them about once a week and they don’t feel mushy. some of the leaves are a little brown on the underside
Yes. The bottom leaves tend to fall but take as a warning. Needs more light and maybe some spritzing
@BuffCaperspurge I wouldn’t water Per se, spritzing
I am from Pgh as well and had the same issue but once the bottom leaves fell, I made sure the plant was away from any heat source and more natural light. Be aware of heating ducts for sure!!!
I think its gorgeous! As long as a few leaves r falling from the bottom, i think thats normal