
Posted 3w ago by @cereal

Should I be worried? How can i help her? #Pothos #PothosN...

I got this N’Joy pothos a few days ago. I noticed that at the nursery, all of the N’Joys they had did not look very healthy, and had brownish speckles on some of the leaves. I thought maybe they just had overwatered them or something, and I picked the most healthy looking one.

I keep worrying about these spots though, I want to help her and make sure this doesn’t spread to my other plants! Does anyone know what it could be, or how to help?
1ft to light, indirect
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Some other observations that might help narrow it down: she was root bound when i was transferring her from the nursery’s pot to her new pot. I was able to untangle a good amount of the roots, but couldn’t quite get all the old soil out.
Also, it did not seem like the plant was getting much light at the place I got it from.
Also, the first two pictures are what are on some of the leaves’ undersides. Not all of the leaves have them. Some leaves also have what is in the third photo, but even less have that. I’d say about 50% of all the leaves have blemishes in some way.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Looks like Spidermites to me 🫣
@OodlesStinkwort Thank you for the suggestion but I’m not quite sure, I’m looking at photos of early stages of spider mites and it doesn’t quite match. I think my plant might have something fungal related, since these spots look more like scabbing than damage inflicted from a pest. I’m not sure what kind of fungus it is though. Thank you anyways!
I’ll keep researching on spider mites though just to make sure
In case anyone finds this post looking for a cure for a similar issue, this is what my plant expert friend @HipRomannettle advised! So whether it really was spider mites or something fungal, it looks like neem oil is the way to go 👍
@cereal @HipRomannettle
Good morning ladies!
Good luck and thank you both.
Another great screenshot to add to my collection 🙂
@cereal every n’ joy I have seen at a store has a fungal issue. That’s what my leaves looked like (and the ones on my neon, and on my marble queen). They were also root bound. Mine like light but not as much as I had thought. I have mine in front of a west window with an over hang. So there is no direct light 9 months out of the year. And, he only grows on the side away from the window 🤷🏼‍♀️

I think if you get most of the soil off, and give it a little space in the new pot the roots will expand on its own.
@TheOddAsity That’s funny you mention it, cause i did notice at the store the neons and n’joys were having issues but the marble queens were fine, this must be really common then lol. I mentioned too my n’joy was root bound, i repotted her and was planning on using a hanging pot but decided to wait till she got bigger. She sits in front of a north window right now—it’s been super foggy so harsh direct light isnt an issue for now.

Thank you for the insights! I’m a new N’joy owner so this was really helpful :D
@cereal once they start vining is my FAVORITE. Like they have these little vines barely spilling over the edge, trying to act like a toddler that’s a big kid now 😂 best of luck.

Also, since I am on my THIRD n’ Joy 😂 I have noticed they need water more often, in less amounts. My last two I would let dry out almost all the way but the stems would rot? But, when I water like every 5-7 days but less water than normal they did better. I’m in Utah, so I don’t know if that makes a difference.
@TheOddAsity That’s adorable 😂 I’m excited for mine to start vining, there’s a small branch that hangs over a little and looks like the start of one so i’m looking forward to seeing it grow!!

Thanks for the tip about watering, i had no idea! I’ll make sure to keep that in mind!