
Posted 2M ago by @Catplantaddict

This guy is just sitting there and will not root

I waited for this guy to root for a month or so now. He is still rootless, no new growth, nothing. Why won't he root?
#happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #planttherapy #plantcorner #plantlove #iloveplants #newgrowth #planttlc #greggang #adhdplantlovers #pineapple
1ft to light, direct
5” pot without drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Best Answer
Hi Leafwing! It can take a while for pineapple tops to root. Here are a few things you can try to encourage rooting:
* Patience: Rooting can take several weeks or even months.
* Moisture: Keep the soil slightly moist but not soggy.
* Warmth: Place it in a warm, bright location.
* Humidity: High humidity can help with rooting. You can mist the top occasionally.
If you see any signs of rot, like mushy or black areas, cut them away. With patience and care, your pineapple top should eventually root and grow into a new plant.
I placed mine in just a vase full of water . Fill the water everytime it got half way gone and after a month a root system started growing . I left it in there for a few months though even though the root system was well established. I just recently placed it in soil this week.
@TutorDewberry I tried doing that, but the water developed a weird film on it so I took it out and tried to put it in soil.
Sadly, some props just never root! But before you give up, props do need a little more water than usual plants. Also, refrain from touching it during this time, since leaving them alone can help them grow without much stress. Was there a tag attached to the pineapple when you bought it? I heard that those can usually inhibit propagation even after they're removed (though that is not the purpose of the tag!). Does it get direct sun? Direct sun isn't the best for props either. You can place it a bit farther. It also looks like your pot is terracotta, which dries out the soil really fast and is great for succulent propagation, but probably not the best for tropical plants like this!
@LittleSongbird I don't remember there being a tag, I bought the fruit but chopped off the top to try propagating. Also, there is no drainage in the pot, but it's terracotta, so I think it works well.
If you try rooting a plant in water, and switch to soil, it won't root in soil.
Something happens in water.
@SvelteKingfern Actually, I have had plants that I put in water root faster in soil! Maybe not all the time, but it happens!
@Catplantaddict I would still try switching it to something else and keep the soil a little more moist. Pineapples need a lot of sun, but when propagating, they don't need as much as it dehydrates the leaves! But really I would jut give it more time.
I've never tried it, but this is what I've read. @LittleSongbird
Both these pineapple plants rooted very well
Try removing the dead parts at the bottom and leaving it exposed then pot or place in water. This is mine that has been growing in since the summer
@Pingaling how long did it take to produce the fruit?
@GemLoquat35 I heard that it can take up to two years.
@LittleSongbird I just misted the leaves and the soil and it looks greener!
@Catplantaddict Yay! That's great!
@Catplantaddict i’m no expert but personally in my experience I think you’re going about it the completely wrong way. Example my pineapple has grown roots in less than a month & now 2 months later the roots are over 6inches. mine still has not been in one piece of dirt yet πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ«ΆπŸ½
Had to give it bit more of a haircut after 1st pic looks a lot better now right? lol that’s one of the big plastic salad containers you can get salad in from the store just trimmed the pineapple top let sit a few weeks in rain water. I put it in a vase & brought it inside & put under a grow light. The roots on this thing are doing amazing. I hope to put it in some soil this week. Roughly about 2 months total sitting in β€œrefreshed rainwater, has really got these roots growing”
Check out all that new Growth huh πŸ€” still never seen a piece of dirt πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈlolοΏΌ
@SvelteKingfern I can validate this is 100% wrong. I take all my cuttings from my gardenias and put them in buckets of water and pot them in soil afterwards by the dozens every year. I do this for friends and family members and give them away as gifts. I have not had one failed this method yet I have six available right now in the middle of the winter. I tell everyone at this point I can make a rock root in a bucket of water. οΏΌlol
I've read further about this matter. You're right. There are plants that you can transfer easy to soil, but there are also plants that are prone to transplant shock when you do this. @OhGollyItsJolly
Thank you for your input.
@SvelteKingfern if you happen to not have a gardenia, now would be a great time to get one. You can learn a lot from this one plant alone I know I certainly have. And the amount of smiles that one plant can hand out to so many different people is quite amazing. They make great housewarming or first time home owners gifts or even wedding gifts. Beautiful white flowers and smell even better 🫢🏽. Also are very easy to get along with they handle 100Β°F summers and snowy winters πŸ€—οΏΌ
I like plants/ bushes that smell nice. I may plant them in the garden. Thank you for the tip. πŸ‘ @OhGollyItsJolly
At first I tried different ways just rotted so I found an article that said remove bottom leaves and sit out for 6 days then plant that worked so I got obsessed and just started putting them in the dirt I sprinkle cinnamon in the hole that I make for the pineapple and then I watch them when I notice the Color changing to help me I’m thirsty I need a drank like the last picture it’s water day for some I have 15 of them πŸ˜… . Good luck
I have the same problem