
Posted 1Y ago by @Tsanne

Why is he so wrinkly? ☹️

I recently reported these tiny cactuses on a bigger pot. Two of them look nice, bit this little one looks ‘deflated’?
I’m not watering them as much as Greg suggests as I thought it could be an overwatering issue… but it’s not changing… it looks sad and wrinkled…
Does anyone know why or what should I try? Any advice will be highly appreciated ☺️
7” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Needs water, but not too much or often.
If it were due to excess water, the plant would already have died. I have a domino cactus that is also like this and it has been due to lack of watering.
It looks like too much water but it could also be too much
@Lunatik4 thank you! I’ll try to water it just a little bit more often then.