
Posted 1M ago by @SacredLovevine

Yellowing peace lily

my #PeaceLily confuses me πŸ˜‚
i saved it from death earlier this year and it rebounded great, lots of new growth. however, the older leaves on the plant are yellowing:( are they just aging or is it unhappy?
it was under my grow light so i moved it slightly away but it’s still happening.
i’m also thinking it might need a repot but i’m not sure and don’t want to make it worse

side question: the larger leaves also seem to be spotty, is that normal or unhealthy? (you can somewhat see if in the photo - it almost looks like cells but macroscopic)
3ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 days ago
Hmm my first thought re the leaves is nutrient issues. What’s your fertilizer situation?
@WelsomeRhodotus haven’t used any, wasn’t sure what to use
I successfully rehabbed a lily that basically had entirely light green leaves by introducing fertiliser into the watering schedule. Nothing fancy either - just the spray bottle standard houseplant fertiliser you can buy at the supermarket - I’m in Australia and the brand here is Power Feed. During the warmer months of the year when it’s the plant’s growing season I would do 2 squeezes from the squirt bottle into the watering can or jug (whatever your watering vessel is). That would be about 2 squeezes of the spray bottle per 750ml or so of water. I would water with the fertiliser added to the water every second watering or so during those months. And in the colder months I’d drop that down to every 4 waterings. It worked great! It brought her colours back to a beautiful dark green.
@WelsomeRhodotus thanks! will give it a shot:) much appreciated!!
Good luck!! It did take a while but eventually she was happy again. And I can’t see your plant details there but does your baby have drainage?
@WelsomeRhodotus yup, she does!
Phew! I’m sure this is 100% already what you do (but honestly this took me 500 years of plant parenting to actually learn) but I water by taking the plant in its pot with drainage holes over to the laundry sink and I water there generously then let the plants hang out there until it stops dripping when I lift it up to check if the water is still running out dem drainage holes. When it has stopped actively dripping, only then do I put it back on its saucer or into its outer decorative pot. ☺️☺️
So that would be the same for normal watering and watering with some liquid fertiliser in :)
@WelsomeRhodotus i do the same 😊
Awesome! Good luck on this bit of rehab for your baby!!
My peace lily has a single leaf that looks like this one. I tried tugging it to remove it but it’s pretty firm. It didn’t get any lighter nor are there any others that look like it. πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ
If my peace lily isn’t getting good water I get more yellowing. You still need to have good drainage but I’ve found they love a good soak because they drink like crazy!
@WelsomeRhodotus Exactly what I’ve found makes my peace lily the happiest!
thanks everybody for all the help!!
Make sure she’s not to wet and you don’t water again until she’s either 2 inches dry or she’s droopy. They love humidity so you can either put a tray of pebbles and water under your pot or mist it daily. Yellowing leaves are a sign of watering issues either to much or not enough :)