
Posted 1M ago by @noemijane1

This was also given by my daughters. Should i cut off tha...

Last watered 1 month ago
It is a flower stalk. If you don’t really want to see that flower, you can just cut it off.
Flower stalks drain a lot of juice from the plant and makes it weak.
Please keep it! Would really love to see the flower.
@vvvelo ok i will keep it then till i see the flower. 😍
@Scubamom ok i will.πŸ‘πŸΌ
@vvvelo so if i keep it, i should water it more often?? Does it like to be misted or sprayed water?
@noemijane1 I would not recommend to mist it. Succulents may start to rot if the water stays on the leaves. I would just follow regular watering schedule. Especially in winter cuz it’s cold.