
Posted 1M ago by @LadyKSunshine

Help me with my Pink Splash

I ordered my Pink Splash from the Greg Store. It was so beautiful when it arrived.
It’s not a very happy plant now. I took it out of its soil because of fungus gnats. I was shocked to find that it had no roots at all. Can I keep it in water until it roots more or does it need to root in new soil?
6ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
Best Answer
@LadyKSunshine yes, it should grow new roots in the water just fine!
Although, now that I'm thinking about it, that water might get awfully hot in FL. Make sure it doesn't boil the stem 😁
@UltraKoreanfir LOL! I brought it inside and placed it under my grow lamp.