
Posted 3w ago by @Plantaholic78

Ficus Ginseng doing well?

Do these new tall leaves mean it is pot bound, happy, or needs more light? #ficusginseng

I've had this plant about a month and about a week or so ago it started growing babies, now their huge!! Is it doing okay?
5ft to light, indirect
4โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 6 days ago
This looks more like a money tree than a ficus ginseng. See pics of a money tree. They grow by sprouting stems up then leaves grow on the stem like an umbrella.
The first pic is of my ficus ginseng. The second pic is of my money tree, Guiana Chestnut tree. That should help you with identifying your tree. But looking at your money tree she looks very happy! โค๏ธ
@Plantaholic78 I totally agree with @SelfmadeSalsify your plant is definitely not a Ficus Ginseng, but a Money tree. And it seems to be quite healthy!
I don't see Ficus Ginseng, only Pachira aquatica.

Anyways that growth looks normal, they tend to have new growth higher. The leaves will eventually grew larger so it looks more normal
Okay, the only pictures I eas getting when I was trying to ID the plant was of the braided trunk, and it was to fat for that. I found one with a short, chunky trunk, and I agree that it's a money tree. Thank you all.
@Plantaholic78 Oh good, Iโ€™m glad you figured it out. It can be tricky sometimes to get the correct ID.