
Posted 2Y ago by @NeatGinseng

phyllanthus mirabillis soft caude

hi, my phyllanthus mirabillis is asleep and has no leaves. I only watered it once during the dormation. last this week. now it has a soft caudex and I don't know if it's a water shortage. or is it rotting? lives in a mixture of sand, stone and peat. south window. flowerpot large 20cm. what should I do? should I water if he doesn't have leaves yet? please help. thanks
1ft to light, indirect
11” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 years ago
If he doesn’t have leaves he would need only the tiniest amount of water. Can you check the soil mixture to see if it’s still wet from your last watering? If it is I would definitely change out his habitat.
no, the mixture is dry. so water?
@NeatGinseng yes, but just a few tablespoons. Without leaves he doesn’t need much at all.
@NeatGinseng I agree with @Shaubplantshack on this.

A loss of leaves over the winter and spring period is natural due to its dormancy period behaviour. Phyllanthus mirabilis is classed as deciduous, meaning that some or all of its leaves will be lost at some point of the year, during a state of dormancy.

Here’s a link that you might find helpful:
@NeatGinseng nice desert rose plants 🌱