
Posted 2M ago by @GroovyRubbercup

Avocado leave drooping in a tropical climate

My avocado plant leaves started drooping as soon as I switched soils and repotted it to a larger pot two days back. Admittedly, when I touched the roots, it was also damp from the rain and watering yesterday.

Should I be concerned? I’m worried that it’s dying.
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
Hiya πŸ‘‹ if she was only repotted two days ago it's likely to just be transplant shock! All plants get a little sulky when we move them into a new pot, it's just some are more dramatic than others (& Avocados ARE typically pretty dramatic! Lol πŸ˜‚).

I wouldn't panic just yet, just limit your watering a little, don't use fertiliser for a few weeks, and she should bounce back all on her own in a week or so. She's probably just getting used to her new pot πŸ’š xx
@JenniB81 thanks! I’ll keep monitoring her! :3