
Posted 2M ago by @alexandriaaah

Mealybugs? Am I cursed? πŸ₯²

#DwarfUmbrellaTree bugs">#mealybugs #Bonsai #help
1ft to light, indirect
12” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
Usually, spraying thoroughly with 70% alcohol works on my plants. However, it will require multiple sprays every 5 - 7 days.
@alexandriaaah you aren’t curse, it happens. If you can, take it outside and spray down every inch of the plant then like @iWhilby2021 recommended you can spray it with 70% alcohol or a half alchol, half water mix or you can make some insecticidal soap. Here’s the recipe I use. You can probably make half or a quarter. You’ll likely need to treat your other plants as a preventative measure too. Make sure to isolate your plant from others while you’re treating it for the next month. Good luck!