
Posted 1M ago by @SucculentHeaven

SOS-Is my plant Ok?

My plant is dropping wrinkled, clear leafs non-stop lately and it's very leggy now. While the little sprouts are growing, my bigger ones aren't producing any new leafs! Anyone knows if my baby is ok #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #sos #Jellybean #plantaddict
0ft to light, indirect
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
So, summary: a smaller pot, good succulent soil ( I make mine out of normal soil mixed in with sand 2:1 ), put it closer to a light source and generally just start over by way of propagation… sounds like a lot, I know πŸ˜…
I think that you might have root rot-it’s best to either propagate and start over or to pull the plant out its pot and rinse the roots before placing it in nice dry soil… either way it is quite leggy so I would recommend also putting it closer to a window. Good luck - this plant does look absolutely gorgeous:)
Also think it’s not the right soil
Have a read it will help
Like the others said, be sure to put your succulents in correct soil. They need a special soil tailored for their drainage needs that has gritty materials like perlite and rocks. Your pot looks a little too big for that little guy as well, so it may be getting drowned that way too. As for the legginess, it needs more light! Put it somewhere with some brighter light, but be careful of too much direct light as this can burn the leaves.
Both above got it all right