There is browning at the tip of my plant. I cut it alread...

5â pot with drainage

Last watered 20 hours ago
@SpicyCrossberry It might have something to do with the roots. You might want to check on them to make sure that there isn't any root rot going on. It would look yellow, mushy and have a smelly smell. If there are remove them with a pair of sterilized scissors and replant it in some succulent soil. As far as watering goes they are drought tolerant and can go longer without water than other plants. Their natural habitat is hot and dry. When it rains it rains a lot then it can go quite a while without any. So when you water, water it thoroughly then don't water again until the soil is completely dry. Anyway I'm rambling. Lol sorry ð Take a look at the roots especially that in particular leafs roots to see what's up with them.
Just reiterating what Heidi @princesspitstop says really... That looks very much like root rot I'm afraid. As she says, Snake roots should be really firm and white or pale yellow... If you have brown/ squishy/ smelly roots you need to whip those off, give the remainder a dunk in peroxide solution and repot into fresh soil.
She can stand to dry out 100% between waterings, they're REALLY tough! ð So if Greg says water and you test the soil and it's at all damp or cold to touch, hit snooze and check again after a few days. The app will learn a better schedule for your plant (it needs interaction to know if it's getting things right so snooze and water buttons are your best friends on here! Snooze especially! ð Drying rates fluctuate hugely from place to place and season to season so just be mindful and test your soil before you water. You'll be totally fine! ðĨ°)
With snake plants, if you break off the spear at the top of any leaf that stops it growing (useless fact for you! ð), and with the leaf in question here I would take it off. It's not going to heal, but you may still be able to prop it! ðĪðĨģðĨ° You want to take away all the damaged leaves from the top and cut it into a chevron shape, let it callous for a day or so, then stand the cutting in a very small amount of water so it just covers the inverted V cut at the bottom of the leaf... Like ð° but the other way up! ðĪĢ
There's never guarantees propping from damaged leaves, and It'll take a good while to root! ð but in the end you could have a whole new plant ð x
She can stand to dry out 100% between waterings, they're REALLY tough! ð So if Greg says water and you test the soil and it's at all damp or cold to touch, hit snooze and check again after a few days. The app will learn a better schedule for your plant (it needs interaction to know if it's getting things right so snooze and water buttons are your best friends on here! Snooze especially! ð Drying rates fluctuate hugely from place to place and season to season so just be mindful and test your soil before you water. You'll be totally fine! ðĨ°)
With snake plants, if you break off the spear at the top of any leaf that stops it growing (useless fact for you! ð), and with the leaf in question here I would take it off. It's not going to heal, but you may still be able to prop it! ðĪðĨģðĨ° You want to take away all the damaged leaves from the top and cut it into a chevron shape, let it callous for a day or so, then stand the cutting in a very small amount of water so it just covers the inverted V cut at the bottom of the leaf... Like ð° but the other way up! ðĪĢ
There's never guarantees propping from damaged leaves, and It'll take a good while to root! ð but in the end you could have a whole new plant ð x
@JenniB81 I did not know that about snapping the tip off! That's sad because I accidentally snapped the tippy tip of a leaf off of my Birds Nest Snake plant today! ð
@princesspitstop just checked, no root rot. Thank you anyway! ðĪ
@JenniB81 great Snake Plant tip!! I bought Snake Plant soil to put one in each bedroom ððð
@JenniB81 is Snake Plant care the same across the different species?? ðĪðĪðĪðą
Hey Juan @greenpurpose ð yeah kinda... I've got a few different Sansevieria cultivars and they all basically have the same requirements. Let them dry REALLY well between waterings, they can stand lower light but well grow much better in good light, and try not to snap the spike off the top of a leaf! (Or that leaf will stop growing as far as I know! ðĪĶââïļð) xx