
Posted 1M ago by @CactusAdjacent

Calling BS on snake plants growing slowly

When I found her a year ago she had three very sad floppy leaves left, about 7" each. This is her after rehab in the kitchen window, the new spot is already too small and there was a good 2 inches to the top a month ago! The three sad leaves are still short and sad, but I'm still wondering if they put steroids in my latest box of plant food πŸ€” #snakeplant #newgrowth #backfromthedead #happyplants #succulentsquad #rescueplants
0ft to light, direct
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
@CactusAdjacent πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ that’s awesome and hilarious!! I have read that snake plants don’t necessarily β€œthrive” in lower light, they just die slowly. So it makes me happy your plant is doing so well!!
Mine exploded over the summer after I put them outside. They loved the direct light and have so many little offshoots.
@CactusAdjacent She must really LOVE it there!! I've had mine for about a month. I can't wait until she's as big as yours is! ❀️
The more light it gets, the more compact, wide, and shorter leaves are there. With the abundance of light, there are yellow stripes on the side, when not that much light there are no yellow stripes.
Looks great! In my experience they like bright light. A little tid bit I found very interesting is the leaves that have the pointy little tip will continue to grow but once they loose that pointy tip (maybe damaged in shipping or moving) that leaf will no longer grow any taller.
@SvelteKingfern It's so weird, one (1) leaf has the distinctive yellow stripe but it's shaped all strange. The others just keep shooting up but are all very thick and strong, idek what she's doing πŸ˜‚
@Azplantchic I cannot describe my anger when I got out of a 10 day hospital stay to find my mother in law had snipped off every. Single. Tip. For absolutely no reason. Like you said, they stopped growing πŸ™ƒ and I'm still bitter about it almost 7 months later πŸ™„
@CactusAdjacent wow, she’s awesome and such a grower!! I’ve had mine for about 10 months now and they aren’t even close to that size! To be fair, mine was a 4 inch when I got it in April. I repotted it in July and split it into 2 plants. Fernie (the larger one of the two) has grown outward but not taller and Fannie the smaller one has grown upward but not filled in. Ihavent seen anything like the growth you have experienced. You have the magic touch I guess! 😊What kind of plant food are you using if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve been looking for a good one but I’m afraid to try anything others don’t recommend because I’ve had some pretty bad outcomes with maming or killing plants when I go in blindly!
They look very healthy and happy. πŸ‘
@Shells_Garden I use miracle grow flower food at half strength, because I'm a broke B and got a big box of it for free 😭 it's 15-30-15 and my plants seem to love it, despite none of them actually flowering. But I think the biggest factor is light. Once I moved her into 4-6 hrs direct sunlight is when she really exploded, 2 pups that are already much bigger than the parent and that doubled in size as well.
They're succulents. They don't need much fertilizing. If you decide to buy some, get the high Nitrogen cacti/ succulent fertilizer. Dilute to 1/2 the recommended dosage. Do not fertilize in Autumn/ Winter.
@CactusAdjacent I can absolutely see why.
@SvelteKingfern I didn’t know that! I love snake plants that have thicker leaves, but I have one that I would like to remain thin, so I’ll move that one to less light. πŸ’‘
Mine grow in a wild garden (i do absolutely nothing), they tend to themselves. They even flower. @Elk
@CactusAdjacent holy cow! That’s great! Everyone says snake plants are slow growing, but they grow very quickly when they want to!
@CactusAdjacent I love your answer! Anyone who has a plant addition is a broke B including me! 🀣 thank you. I’ve actually also been using the Miracle grow. I buy the single packets 24-8-16 and add one to a gallon of filtered water and then dilute again to half strength. I know that most people don’t recommend miracle grow products. I myself am not a fan of their soil so I don’t use any of their other products. Having said that, their plant food seems to be the only one so far that hasn’t killed or damaged any of my plants. I guess I will stick to what I’m doing for now and I’ll move my snake plants into more sunlight! Thanks again for sharing and answering my question. Can’t wait to see what your girl is going to look like when the growing season comes around again in a few months! She’ll be enormous!!!
Thats amazing! Any tips for a new snake plant owner?
@cereal If I'm being totally honest, she's just super well suited to my locale and all I really have to do is remember to water her regularly. I CAN say that they want all the sun you can give them, don't like the cold, do like humidity (in moderation- I live in the desert so my normal humidity is 5-30% and all my plants appreciate not being constantly parched), mine also gets a light (half strength) feeding every other water. Some people swear against fertilizer for succulents and that may very well be true, but my personal experience has been good. All I know for sure is, find the sunniest spot you can and you'll have a happy snake plant πŸ₯°
@CactusAdjacent Thank you for the advice! I just got my snake plant a few months ago and it started to look a little unhappy (seemingly not enough light,) so hopefully it’ll thrive in its new sunny spot i moved it to thanks to you! I’ll look into fertilizer aswell, I saw Miracle Grow mentioned here so I’ll keep that name in mind 😁
@CactusAdjacent OMG. 😳 that would upset me too. If my kids did that I would be frustrated but I would explain to them why not to do it. They have taken scissors to my plants before. It’s been minor stuff. I think they have learned. But it’s surprising for an adult….. I can only imagine the reasoning. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« probably someone who doesn’t know much about plants? Thought they were helping?
@SvelteKingfern that is beautiful!
Thank you @nellz4estfairyz πŸ€— That photo was taken some time back. Those Snake Plant flowers have turned into fruit now.
@TheOddAsity you got that right. Any plant that doesn’t receive some light will slowly die. There really is no such thing as low light plants. Especially when we stick them in a dark corner and they are unable to undergo photosynthesis.β€œno light plants =S-l-o-w death”.😒
@SvelteKingfern I had no idea they did that!
Now you know πŸ€— @nellz4estfairyz
Okay this is awesome! I have so many questions. How often do you feed your snake plant. I have had mine for over a year now and it hasn’t really grown that much. I put it in a smaller pot and it seemed to like that but now it’s just growing slow again. What’s plant food do you use? I also tried putting it outside during the summer and it burnt if of the leaves. πŸ˜…
@CactusAdjacent I was always under the impression that they are low light tolerant but thrive under indirect light/sunlight.
@BelovedSourwood I think it's mostly my locale tbh, I live in the Arizona desert and have an awesome picture window that lets in a LOT of light even in the winter. I use MiracleGro flower food for all my plants because I'm poor and got it for free πŸ₯² Ke$ha really took off with 4-6 hours direct sunlight in the kitchen window, so I'm speculating it's part light, part humidity but honestly I'm not sure what I'm doing to make her so happy πŸ˜…
@Ms.Persnickety Yes and no, as long as the indirect light is really bright they'll do Ok but really enjoy a few hours of full sun. Putting them in low light is basically killing them VERY slowly.